Monday, June 14, 2010

tHiS iS wHaT i LiKe

My Nikon Coolpix!
I love to take pictures! Until a couple of years ago, I just pointed and shot my way around with my Cannon 35mm camera I've had since my 19th birthday. That's when my man decided to bring me up to speed with a digital camera and this is what I got!
What I love:
It takes regular batteries, 2 AA to be exact. I do have to get the titanium kind but, it's a lot easier to find them as opposed to a fussy "camera battery". I have 9 different modes to choose from, whether I'm taking pics of my kids or scenery I can select the right mode and get that perfect shot! 8.1 megapixel provides crisp, clear images and is great for blur control. Large screen on the back and the ability to clear out the bad shots quickly, makes getting the right shot a breeze! Uploading is a snap, I just plug in my USB cable and voila! My pictures are captured quickly into my folder, for easy access for sharing and my editing program. It's not bulky and fits easily into my purse for easy transportation.
If you need a good and easy to use camera, try the Nikon Coolpix, I know I like it! I'll bet you do too! =0)

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