Friday, June 4, 2010

ThOuGhT fOr ThE dAy

Enjoy the simple things.

Far too often it seems that I get weighed down by things rushing around me. Appointments, errands, running the kids around, and the never ending giant laundry piles can get the better of me too. If you ever feel this way, try this: enjoy something simple. A sniff of a pretty flower, baking home-made cookies just because, a hug, a smile, the laughter of my children these are all things that are so simple, but bring me so much joy. Take a drive in the countryside, take a stroll with your sweetheart, eat ice cream for dinner sometimes...when life's hectic fury gets the better of you. Simple things can help put the whole pile of life's mess into perspective and make it easier to tackle it all again tomorrow. Just a thought! =0)

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