Tuesday, June 15, 2010

TiP fOr TuEsDaY

Vacuum everything!
As I've confessed before, I'm not the world's best house cleaner. I know, I know...I wipe bathrooms down weekly, my dishes are usually done and the laundry piles make it impossible for me to open the laundry room door by the time I get to them. This is why I love this tip, I mean it! Vacuum everything!
I have mostly hard surface floors in my house and three of the bedrooms have carpet. I don't get a broom for the hard surfaces, I vacuum it all! I vacuum bathrooms, I vacuum the kitchen, I use the hose attachment and vacuum counters and the table and all the dust off of surfaces as well. When I'm forced to clean, I like to do it all in one fell-swoop...just so I can get back to the important things...you know blogging, reading, music, sewing! ;0) Don't be afraid to vacuum the crumbs off the stove or hair off the bathroom floor! After you vacuum the carpet in the bedroom...heck, vacuum the dog! It'll save you from vacuuming up hairs off the furniture later!
Wield the vacuum and threaten toes and Lego men and just vacuum it all! Here's your tip for Tuesday! Try it, it might just work for you too! ;0)


Maharry Balls said...

I, too, vacuum everything!! It's so much easier than using a broom!!!

Cara said...

I vacuum everything too. Especially now that Breah likes the sound of the vacuum. :)