Tuesday, June 8, 2010

TiP fOr TuEsDaY

Hire help! (The kids ma'am..use the kids!)

Chores for today: clean the house, do a mountain of laundry, do dishes, wipe toilets, pick up/ drop off kids, pick up after kids, clean up kid's mess...Does this list look a tad familiar? It looks like my list most days and notice that most of it involves cleaning up after the kids. Ah..the key word, the kids! Ever wish you had a little help cleaning up after the kids? Ah, but you do! The kids! The kids? Why not hire the kids? This is what I do, I pay the kids to clean up after themselves. It's not much, so I'm not going broke any time soon, but enough for them to understand what it takes to earn. Two valuable lessons in one here: learning responsibility and appreciating the value of a dollar.
Learning Responsibility:
Does your boss follow YOU around asking you to put your socks in the hamper? Of course not, he pays YOU to remember to do it! I pay my kids two dollars a week to do things like: clean their bathroom, pick up their rooms daily, unload/load the dishwasher. For my one with Asperger's Syndrome he is required to put the cereal and milk away in the morning without forgetting, as well as, get his homework done with out me asking. Trust me I know, it's much easier to do it yourself...but, you are not doing your kids any favors by doing it for them. Period. If they don't do their chores, I don't pay them either. No ifs, ands, or buts.
Value of a dollar: I don't buy my kids toys. Unless it's Christmas or your birthday, don't bother asking me for a toy, cuz it ain't happening! They are aware of this policy, but know if they want something bad enough all they have to do is save their allowance. I'm not totally mean, I will occasionally buy things like video games for everyone to enjoy...but, I expect good behavior for it to happen! If they want something really badly, my man and I will pay them for extra chores...such as weeding or what not. I know I'll have to increase allowance as they get older, but trust me I will increase chores as well.
Drowning in housework? Pay your kids to help! That's your Tip for Tuesday! =0)

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