Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Just Because...

I know I'm biased, but aren't these the cutest kids? Full of personality and I love each of them for just for being themselves. I've been a single Mom for several years and unfortunately I can't always be there for them for everything. They all understand that they have to be somewhat responsible for themselves and even with me not working at the moment, I still make them tow the line. I try hard to be both the disciplinarian and their friend too. I never want them to be afraid to tell me something, I never want them not to know how much I truly love them.
We run our household on a cause and effect cycle, you do what you're supposed to do and you'll be rewarded, you aren't? Then don't expect me to do anything for you. Everyone does their chores without complaint, then everyone gets don't do them, then no allowance. Period. You keep up with your school work and turn everything don't, then expect Mom to make sure you are doing plenty of extra studying/reading then. You are misbehaving and not following the rules, then expect a time out. (I still use this, even on the older kids) Let me get back to the just because, it's fine and dandy to run a well organized and tidy ship...but you know what? It's not any fun. I take the kids places just for fun, even when there are other things to do. I let them get dirty, I let them run around like maniacs and as long as no one is getting hurt, I just let them be kids. Today was one of those days. I picked up the kids and we went to the city park, they ran around for over an hour and even cooperated for a few minutes to take some pictures. They took bags and filled them to overflowing with yellow leaves and pine cones and wrestled each other to the ground. We even discovered that my little one can easily outrun his older siblings and run forever too! Who knew a kid so skinny and low to the ground was so fast?
When was the last time you did something "just because?" I think of it this way, do I want my kids to think back on their childhood and wonder "sheesh, we never did anything fun"? No I don't, I want my kids to remember being young and know they were loved enough to be structured and we had a little fun too! ;0)

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