Tuesday, October 5, 2010

tHiS iS wHaT i LiKe

Since I was having technical difficulties yesterday, I figured I'd forgo the regularly scheduled TiP fOr TuEsDay segment. Be rest assured though, I will return to it again next week..mmm-k? ;0) I have to tell you how much I LOVE this great new product from my friends at Lysol! (yay!) Here's a reminder on how much I love Lysol...(psst...click here!) Lysol you are my friend and help to vanquish the sickies, the icky smells, the germiest of germs and now the ultimate test...the foul dungeon that is my boys' room! EEK! ;0)
Here's the smelly lowdown:
Anyone that has little boys knows this well, little boys are smelly! Not so much when they are really little, but I have the pleasure of having a preteen boy. I love my boys, but their smelly room? Not so much. I would walk by and be thrown back by the stench of sweat and dirt wafting through the doorway and would immediately grab my can of Lysol and start spraying. I'd spray smelly sneakers, beds, curtains, whatever was holding still, but still to no avail. I opened the window all morning, I washed all bedding and dirty clothes, kept the closet doors (where the hampers are housed) closed and yet the stench continued. Out of frustration, I sought backup. I used Fabreeze in there too and no matter what, it still smelled. This is when I stumbled upon Lysol neutra air Fabric Mist! I love Lysol and I knew the smell issue involved bacteria, this had to help, right? I sprayed the pillows, the floor, the sheets, the comforters, the curtains and it worked! Hallelujah! The next time I walked past their room, I wasn't thrown back by that smelly boy smell, I was greeted by the smell of fresh linens. What a great product! If it can vanquish that awful stench from my boys' room then imagine what it can do for the dog bed, the smokey smelling jacket, the car upholstery...the possibilities are endless!
Lysol, you are truly my hero and thanks to your product Lysol neutra air Fabric Mist, I will never be tortured by the boys' dungeon/smelly room again! tHiS iS wHaT i LiKe, try it! I know you'll like it too! ;0)

1 comment:

Cara said...

Ooo! I'm definitely going to have to try that for the girls' closet. I opened it the other day and it smelled like a locker room. :)