Friday, October 15, 2010

ThOuGhT fOr ThE dAy (post 120)

My childhood home...
 "Home is a place you grow up wanting to leave, and grow old wanting to get back to" ~ John Ed Pearce

How true is this quote? I know for me it rings true in all areas, as I think back to my upbringing. Simple were we in action and character, but love was never as issue. I had the opportunity to go back home a few months back and as I drove home these thoughts came to mind:

"I pondered things as I drove home this afternoon, alone with my thoughts and surrounded by the beauty of a rain-soaked landscape. (The kids entertained themselves with a DVD and headphones) It made me think of how where we are from weaves itself through the very fabric of our makeup. I'm made up of towering buttes and pink sand and sage, of endless blue and skies ablaze. I'm made up of dust devils and rain while the sun shines bright, of breath taking views and crisp starry nights. The rush of the Colorado River runs through my veins, the sun, the Lake, the breeze wraps 'round me to take. I've left and moved on, I've ran far away and still home you do make."
Click here to read all of it if you'd like. Home is where I was molded and shaped and tried my hardest to get away from too. As an adult you get the opportunity to step back and view things as they were, not as things were perceived. When  I lived there as a child (and as an adult a time or two) my point of view was warped, for I was standing to close to take it all in. Now that I've had the opportunity to live and learn and raise children of my own I can truly see, I had it really good despite never having a good place to fit in. All of it together mixed up and poured into the mold that is me...just a thought.0)

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