Tuesday, October 19, 2010

TiP fOr TuEsDaY (post 122)

Do something just for you.

I think I've started something. Something good. I've changed my way of thinking a bit and I think it will a good thing too. I've started doing something daily, just for myself. Not for anyone else, with me included in some round about way, for me and me alone. I know as Mom's and parents and caregivers sometimes our tasks outnumber the hours in the day, something needs cleaning, someone needs a ride, someone is banging on the bathroom door again...sigh. This is my goal though, I want to take at least 20 minutes just to myself and I'm going to use it to my advantage. In fact I already have twice this week, I am taking those wonderful 20 minutes and doing a little speed walking. I have discovered that I can walk 2 whole miles in those 20 minutes and as I warm up I intend to take a little more time and walk a little more. I also want to make sure I eat all three meals a day, something I'm not very good at. Something to do with hypoglycemia, I have zero appetite and I haven't been working and moving around enough to make sure to eat to keep my blood sugar even.
No...my motivation in all this isn't the fact that not very many of my pants fit, that's just silly! Although, the fact that my little boy with the Asperger's, uncouth as he is, has pointed at me laughing, "Look! Mom's pregnant" a few times may have been an influence. Perhaps. Never mind the motivation, I'll just take the "T.f.T." to heart and use it to my advantage! Here's your TiP fOr TuEsDaY, do something just for you today! ;0)

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