Friday, December 3, 2010

ThOuGhT fOr ThE dAy (post 157)

 You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give." Kahlil Gibran

Now how many of our kids think that the reason for the season is getting stuff? I mean, I know that's all I thought about as a kid. We did perform service for the needy as well, but seriously it was all about the stuff! This year is very different for our family, the reality of unemployment and a depressed economic situation in our area is hitting hard this season. While we still have the essentials of food, shelter, and love, we have next to nothing for extras like lots of Christmas presents. My Mom asked me if the kids were excited for Christmas and I had to tell her truthfully that they really aren't this year. It's tough when you know what you would normally be able to provide for them and where they normally get plenty for Christmas, it'll be very little this year. Many homemade presents and goodies and decorations are the reality, but you know what? I love, love that I am able to give the gift of me this year. I've spent many years working through the holidays and I haven't had a Christmas day I didn't have to work in like 7 years and it's nice! The kids are able to participate in activities that they wouldn't have been able to because I had to work and couldn't take them. They can get rides to friends' houses, I pick them up everyday after school. We get to play outside before dark, we get to spend hours at the park when we have time. If we want to go someplace for the weekend, then I don't have to beg for time off of work. We'll be able to make goodies to give away to neighbors and friends, we'll be able to enjoy the company of each other. And as simple as that is, it's plenty.

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