Tuesday, December 7, 2010

TiP fOr TuEsDaY (post 159)

Flaming Christmas tree, eh? That can't be good. As I was sitting here doing a little research for today's "TiP" segment I came across quite a lengthy list of holiday safety tips for children put out by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) here.  It lists tips for keeping kids safe through the holiday season and although I imagine it's fairly helpful to some people, I myself find it rather redundant. For Example:

Never use electric lights on a metallic tree. The tree can become charged with electricity from faulty lights, and a person touching a branch could be electrocuted. 
Um, what? I have never in my life time seen a metallic tree. If I am mistaken, please send me a note, but I'm thinking that they don't actually exist. If they do, I can only imagine that they aren't popular....seeing as though they would be metal...and not at all tree-like. Um, yeah.

When purchasing an artificial tree, look for the label "Fire Resistant." 
Kind of like the picture above, I imagine your tree bursting into flame would be a bit of a bummer. I don't recommend dousing it in gasoline either...just saying.

Avoid trimmings that resemble candy or food that may tempt a young child to eat them. 
If you seriously have children that would be tempted to actually eat the fake food decorations, then me thinks you have bigger problems on your hands! I'm not talking about babies that really would eat anything, or pets, but if your kid is big enough to know better and is tempted to snack on the decorations anyway....yep, that's what I'm talking about. ;0)

Children under age 8 can choke or suffocate on deflated or broken balloons.
Okay, my own personal opinion here, if someone banned balloons all together I would be thrilled. My kids fight over balloons, my kids beat each other up with balloons, my kids refuse to get rid of their balloons even when they are flat and wrinkled, my kids still cry when they fly away because they refused to let me tie them to their wrists. See what I mean?

Bacteria are often present in raw foods.  Fully cook meats and poultry, and thoroughly wash raw vegetables and fruits.
What? I needed to cook that before we ate it? Huh, I guess you learn something everyday.;0)

So hey, don't worry about your kid chewing on the lights cord under the tree or anything...nah, you should be more worried about, "Never use lighted candles on a tree or near other evergreens" Ahh...but I LIKED catching household items on fire...poo. Silly old safety tips anyway! ;0)


Cara said...

He, he, he! You are so funny. I think metallic trees died out with Charlie Brown. :)

jgirl said...

I think you're right! LOL! ;0)