Tuesday, December 28, 2010

TiP fOr TuEsDaY (post 170)

Stick a fork in the holidays, cuz they're done!

Well, done enough anyway, although looking through my house it's hard to believe it! Various package wrappings and a few random gifts for relatives, to be seen later in the week, strewn under the tree. The counter is littered with half empty goody plates and my front room still has stockings on the sofa and a box with discarded paper stuffed to the brim. The rooms' of my children look like war zones, Lego's scattered from end to end and dirty clothes falling out of hampers. I have, however, gotten started on the cleaning processes. One room at a time and here's where the "TiP" part comes in, tackle the mess one room at a time.
I have to have the house picked up again for the weekend because of the before mentioned visiting relatives and that leaves me 3 more days to get the house in shape. Today the kitchen, tomorrow the bathrooms, and the next day the living spaces and the kids to clean their bedrooms. I have the kids do theirs last because honestly, they don't stay clean and I'm all for the least amount of yelling as possible! ;0) This will be accomplished while I get through the mountains of laundry, slowly...ever so slowly. I've found that I can easily wash, fold, and put away the laundry while I'm on the phone, so chances are if you call me, that's what I'll be doing!
As overwhelming as the the after effects of the holidays are, cleaning up after them doesn't have to be. So, don't let it! Start with one room and clean it completely and move on from there, you'll get it all eventually! ;0) That's your TiP fOr TuEsDaY! ;0)

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