Friday, December 31, 2010

ThOuGhT fOr ThE dAy (post 173)

Not really a thought, but maybe more of a mission. I know someone who's starting a 365 project starting tomorrow and what a great way to start a new year. Not that I agree with the whole "resolution" thing, I'm more of a improve yourself daily type person. I have several blogs (because I'm cool like that) and I believe I'll continue to write this one, but maybe not 5 days a week. We'll have to see. I really need to concentrate on becoming gainfully employed again. Blogging provides a necessary refuge, but it doesn't bring in any moola. A pity, I know. I'll get it started and let you all know and link it up, of course!
as for 2010, you started out with promise and many things went well. things got shuffled, rearranged, reassigned, and scrutinized later on though. i discovered things about myself and what i need out of life, i realized maybe i should reprioritize some things as well. my kids flourished, thankfully, and for that I am truly grateful. I look forward to 2011 and what promise a new decade may bring. May 2011 be as bright for everyone as the milky way on a crisp starlit night.

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