Friday, December 16, 2011

Merry Christmas Mr. Offended

Ben Stein
In case you were wondering, I have mended my broken Christmas spirit somewhat. I did get my tree up, I have nearly completed my gift buying, I have plans for goody baking next week as well. I have been locked in my laundry room attempting to complete a large pile homemade gifts. I helped the kids with their gingerbread house kit too. Eh, I'm still not necessarily a fan of all the fuss and the greediness, but the spirit of giving I can appreciate.

I don't necessarily agree with the efforts of others to take the "Christ" out of Christmas. I mean what on earth is a "Holiday Tree"? I've seen mass posts being shared among my FB friends complaining about people not saying Merry Christmas anymore. I don't feel the need to yell though because I know that not everybody celebrates the holiday and that's okay. Apparently this bothers Ben Stein as well, read on:

(well said.....)

Apparently the White House referred to Christmas Trees as Holiday Trees for the first time this year -- which prompted CBS presenter, Ben Stein, to present this piece which I would like to share with you.

It is quite eloquent and "searing" in reality!

The following was written by Ben Stein and recited by him on CBS Sunday Morning Commentary.

My confession:

I am a Jew, and every single one of my ancestors was Jewish. And it does not bother me even a little bit when people call those beautiful lit up, bejeweled trees, Christmas trees. I don't feel threatened. I don't feel discriminated against. That's what they are, Christmas trees.

It doesn't bother me a bit when people say, 'Merry Christmas' to me. I don't think they are slighting me or getting ready to put me in a ghetto. In fact, I kind of like it.

It shows that we are all brothers and sisters celebrating this happy time of year. It doesn't bother me at all that there is a manger scene on display at a key intersection near my beach house in Malibu . If people want a creche, it's just as fine with me as is the Menorah a few hundred yards away.

I don't like getting pushed around for being a Jew, and I don't think Christians like getting pushed around for being Christians. I think people who believe in God are sick and tired of getting pushed around, period.

I have no idea where the concept came from, that America is an explicitly atheist country. I can't find it in the Constitution and I don't like it being shoved down my throat.

Or maybe I can put it another way: Where did the idea come from that we should worship celebrities and we aren't allowed to worship God ? I guess that's a sign that I'm getting old, too. But there are a lot of us who are wondering where these celebrities came from and where the America we knew went to.

In light of the many jokes we send to one another for a laugh, this is a little different: This is not intended to be a joke; it's not funny, it's intended to get you thinking.

Billy Graham's daughter was interviewed on the Early Show and Jane Clayson asked her 'How could God let something like this happen?' (regarding Hurricane Katrina).. Anne Graham gave an extremely profound and insightful response.

She said, 'I believe God is deeply saddened by this, just as we are, but for years we've been telling God to get out of our schools, to get out of our government and to get out of our lives. And being the gentleman He is, I believe He has calmly backed out. How can we expect God to give us His blessing and His protection if we demand He leave us alone?'

In light of recent events... terrorists attack, school shootings, etc. I think it started when Madeleine Murray O'Hare (she was murdered, her body found a few years ago) complained she didn't want prayer in our schools, and we said OK.

Then someone said you better not read the Bible in school. (The Bible says thou shalt not kill; thou shalt not steal, and love your neighbor as yourself.) And we said OK.

Then Dr. Benjamin Spock said we shouldn't spank our children when they misbehave, because their little personalities would be warped and we might damage their self-esteem (Dr. Spock's son committed suicide). We said an expert should know what he's talking about -- And we said okay.

Now we're asking ourselves why our children have no conscience, why they don't know right from wrong, and why it doesn't bother them to kill strangers, their classmates, and themselves.

Probably, if we think about it long and hard enough, we can figure it out. I think it has a great deal to do with 'WE REAP WHAT WE SOW.'

Funny how simple it is for people to trash God and then wonder why the world's going to hell.

Funny how we believe what the newspapers say, but question what the Bible says.

Funny how you can send 'jokes' through e-mail and they spread like wildfire, but when you start sending messages regarding the Lord, people think twice about sharing.

Funny how lewd, crude, vulgar and obscene articles pass freely through cyberspace, but public discussion of God is suppressed in the school and workplace.

Are you laughing yet?

Funny how when you forward this message, you will not send it to many on your address list because you're not sure what they believe, or what they will think of you for sending it.

Funny how we can be more worried about what other people think of us than what God thinks of us.

Pass it on if you think it has merit.

If not, then just discard it.... no one will know you did. But, if you discard this thought process, don't sit back and complain about what bad shape the world is in.

My Best Regards, Honestly and respectfully,

Ben Stein

I received this in an e-mail and seeing as though I believe in God myself, I felt that it was completely worth sharing. So, Merry Christmas if that is what you celebrate and Happy Hanukkah too. And now I know why I always liked Ben Stein ;0)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Why I DON'T like Christmas

Call me what you will...
If you've followed this blog for any length of time, you would have seen my Christmas posts from last year (click here and here and here and here). I really put a lot of work and effort into the holiday for my family and one would would never expect that I really can't stand Christmas. Yep. You read it right, I don't like it. I am also amazed at how personally people take this statement. "What do you mean you don't like Christmas?!" and "What's wrong with you?" We can discuss the latter for days and probably still get nowhere, ha!
The thing is, this is not a new feeling or anything, I've had a hard time with the holiday since I was a kid. I can remember many a Christmas I spent crying because I just hated it so. I have to hand it to my folks (and Mom especially) who did so much for us around the holidays and really showed me how to give back and make it special for us. As an adult, I have had an increasingly harder time every year to make it good for my kids and this year, I am having a horrendous time even doing anything at all. It's just so much work and the true meaning of the holiday is completely lost to the majority of the public. Maybe I'm going to have to break it down to get my point across:

1. Christmas = mass media feeding frenzy.
You need THIS, you want THAT. Celebrate this way, you are a bad mother if you don't get your kids that. It all boils down to guilt. I don't make much and I can barely afford to get my kids the bare minimum of what they need, let alone what they want. I want to be able to give so much more to everyone around me, who have loved me, who support me and I just can't. I can make things, give from my heart and I don't have the time to do what I want of that either. The whole situation makes me sad.

2. Past demons.
My ex-husband got me something for Christmas the year just before we got married and the year just before we split up. Nothing at all for the years in between. My man is good to me, he really is, but I have to spell out exactly what I want. We've been together for almost 8 years now and I would fall over dead if he were to give me something that he KNEW I wanted because he knew ME. I won't hold my breath though and I actually told him I didn't want anything this year. I guess we'll see.

3. The reason for the season.
If even half the people that celebrated the holiday put the emphasis where it should be (on Christ), I would be a lot happier about it. Nope, it is celebrated as a gimmee-gimmee day and that makes me sick.

4. I put in all the effort and see nothing in return.
Well, that's not totally kids (my daughter especially) help out. I get paid in hugs and kisses and
"I love yous". I just wish I could get them more, nah, I just wish I could get them all of what they need. I bought clothes for my daughter at the thrift store yesterday because it's cold and she doesn't have much. My boys have just 2 pairs of shoes a piece and thank goodness my little on wears a uniform to school because he has nothing but ratty hand-me-downs to wear otherwise. It just makes me sad. They need things and are good kids and I can't give it to them.

5. Overload.
My work experience is in retail management. I have worked retail jobs for 15 years now. I get saturated with Christmas earlier and earlier every year. I worked C-store for 6 years and had one Christmas off in all those years. It really was just another day. See where I'm going with this?

Just 18 more days and we can forget about it until next year. Bah humbug. ;0P

Monday, November 21, 2011

Thanks again!

I have had a few requests for a fabulous soup I make and thought I'd give it a share:

German Potato Soup (GF of course!)

1 pound potatoes (washed and diced)
2 leeks (trimmed and diced)
2 carrots (peeled and diced)
1 cup chopped cabbage
4 cups Beef Broth (I like Pacific Natural Food's version)
1 bay leaf
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon caraway seeds
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
1 tablespoon worcestershire sauce (Lea and Perrin's)
1/2 cup sour cream
6-8 slices bacon (cooked and crumbled)

Combine leek, carrots, cabbage, broth and potatoes into Crock-Pot. Stir in seasonings. Cover and cook on low 8 to10 hours or High 4 to 5 hours. Remove bay leaf. Using slotted spoon remove potatoes and mash, Combine potatoes with sour cream. Return to Crock-Pot and stir. Stir in bacon pieces. Serves 6 to 8.

This soup is a huge hit at my house and it's so simple too! Yum, I'm getting hungry just thinking about it!

I also wanted to take the opportunity to write my thoughts on Thanksgiving. Now, don't get me wrong, I love the fact that there is an entire holiday dedicated to giving thanks...I just wish more of an emphasis was put on this for everyday. Use this time to teach your children about gratitude and what it really means to be thankful for the things we have. I know that times are rough everywhere, we are not excluded from this at my house either. Before you become bitter about the things you are doing without, remember the things you have. I would be doing myself a great injustice if I didn't take the time to be thankful for what I have and here goes (in no particular order):

My children. They have given me more opportunity to learn and grow in this life than any other person or experience could. We don't always have much, but there is no doubt how much I love them and that is all that matters, right? Thank you, thank you for letting my be your mother.

My family. I'm not sure what I did right on the other side, but I got the very best parents, siblings, in-laws (ex does not do them justice), cousins, grandparents, aunts and uncles a girl could ever ask for. Thank you, thank you for being mine!

My Man. My love, my best friend, my cohort, my warmth. You love my children as your own and for that I am so very, very lucky. You constantly amaze me with your strength and that smile is unmatched, thank you.

This is just a drop in the bucket and I could go on like this forever! Have you taken a moment to say thanks? Maybe it's about time for you too. ;0)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

How I love you "sew"

"Littlest Pet Shop" Dress for my little niece

and the back

"Littlest Pet Shop" Dress 2 for my older niece

and the back
As you can see, I HAVE been busy with a few more extra-curricular activities (other than work!) and all of which have included making things for people in my life. I love to receive hand-made things and I think it is so fun to make things specifically for people, that you know they can't just go out and buy.

The first two dresses I made were for my nieces (who are obsessed with "Little Pet Shop" toys). The only thing I didn't have in my stash were the t-shirts and I picked those up at Target in clearance for a couple of bucks each! I happened to have picked up a remnant of "Littlest Pet Shop" material sometime ago and knew that a couple of custom dresses would be the perfect birthday presents for my nieces! I paired them with some great pink gingham fabric and the bright turquoise that had the same colors as the "Littlest Pet Shop" material and made each dress a little different. I am a Mom after all and I understand how alike things look when they are lumped together in the laundry! (yipes!) They turned out so pretty too!

"Cars" vest for my nephew

and the back
Well, you can't really make dresses for the sisters and not make something for the brother too, right? Haha, my nephew had a birthday too and I had a plan! This boy loves anything cars related and I thought this "Cars" material paired with a great gingham would do the trick. I actually made this from a "Simplicity" pattern, replacing the back panel with gingham fabric and lining the entire thing in the gingham as well. I think I've mentioned that my machine makes terrible button holes and I wanted his mom to be able to fasten it up, so I recycled a button placket from a .50 cent find from the thrift store and put it to good use! The snaps in the back to cinch it tight were recycled from the same piece and honestly, I don't think I could have done it cheaper! I mean, how cute is this? ;0D

Pretty pillow for my co-worker

and the back too.
Grandma, let me know if the material on the front of this looks familiar...(and thanks!)

I have a wonderful co-worker that turned 35 the other day (I'm not far behind...yipes!) and I wanted to make a little something for her (mostly because I'm flat broke...again). I kind of asked her out of the blue what colors her bedroom were. She told me they were mostly neutrals and that her accent color was a red/orange. Turns out I had something pretty in my stash that would do! I had some quilted material and some fuzzy material that were neutral and paired with this gorgeous print was...well, awesome! I know she and her husband have dogs and so, I made a slip cover that was easily removable and tied it up in the back with a pretty bow. She loved it! My other co-workers couldn't believe I had made it. I guess it looked pretty good! ;0)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

What I love about Fall!

It's simple really. Well, beyond the cooler temperatures (I live in an area of the southwest that sees fairly extreme temps in the summer and the cooler weather is such a relief!) and the shorter days and the opportunities for some fantastic family activities (think Halloween and Thanksgiving and all the busy stuff that includes), it really is simple. I love fall for the opportunity for all that great cooler-weather cooking I get to do!

You see, when your house is about 80 degrees already and it's 100+ outside, turning on the oven or the stove-top to heat stuff up is incredibly unappealing. We eat a lot of simple meals in the summertime. The cooler weather, therefore, gives me opportunity to be creative in the kitchen once again! Yes! This evening was no exception with this delicious (and GF of course ) soup.

Bean with Bacon Soup

1 tbsp olive oil (or canola)
1/2 onion (coarsely chopped)
2 cloves garlic (chopped)
1/2 tsp black pepper
3 celery stalks (coarsely chopped)
8 oz sliced baby carrots (about half a medium bag)
1 can S&W 50% reduced sodium white beans
1 can S&W 50% reduced sodium kidney beans
2 cups vegetable broth (I use Pacific Natural Food's version)
1 tbsp (more or less to taste) worcestershire sauce (I use Lea and Perrin's )
10 slices of heat and serve bacon (cooked and crumbled and I like the stuff from Great Value)

Heat your oil over medium heat in your large soup pot adding your onion and garlic and cooking until the onion is clear. Next add your celery, carrots, and black pepper and saute over medium-low heat for about 5-7 minutes and then add both cans of beans, liquid and all. Then add vegetable broth and worcestershire sauce and simmer covered for a bout 15 minutes. Heat and crumble bacon and add to soup. Serve hot. Makes about 6 servings.

Doesn't that just sound divine?! It is soooo good too! My non-gluten free eaters add cheese crackers to their soup, but it is fantastic on it's own. I have to apologize for not sharing more often (it really wasn't my intention to fall of the planet), I really do love this blog and I'm hoping the time fairies will be a little more generous with me! Fingers crossed and happy Fall! ;0D

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Well Rounded

As a parent, I find myself doing for others much more than I ever do for myself. Picking up, taxiing around, making meals, homework help, not to mention working outside of the home. In a land of doing for others all day, it can be pretty easy to find yourself in resentment mode. You find yourself snapping at small children and dogs, the kids have taken to yelling, "Lookout!! Here comes the Momster!!" Your partner hides in the office for as long as possible just to avoid the bullets. You see? Resentment mode is not cool. I know being a parent is an often thankless job, but what can you do to avoid the resentment-monster and her rampage? Try this:

Accept help.

I am terrible for this. There are certain things I like to do myself and it bugs me when someone else "tries" to do them, but sometimes it is just plain necessary. Voice your concerns to your partner and be specific and make sure you aren't nagging when you do it. "Honey, I need you to put away all the dishes for me and reload the dishwasher...I don't have time to do it and I need some help." This approach is a lot more effective than, "Why doesn't anybody do this, but me?" Men and children cannot read minds, women pretend to although it boils down to being a little more observant. It may make you crabby to have to spell it out, but it is the best way to get things done and keep the momster in check. ;0)

Just say no.

This isn't just good for peer pressure, it is also good for zapping that mom-guilt. I think most moms struggle with it. You can't be everywhere and do everything (no matter how hard you try) and you beat yourself up over it. But, why? Your kids know you love them and I'll bet none of them are going to damaged irreversibly if you don't make their beds everyday, or make them walk home from school, or feed them PB and J for dinner sometimes. Change you internal dialogue from "I feel bad that I couldn't do this" to "I tried my best and that's all I can do". And while you're at it, don't do any of this overcompensation crap either. You get the kids things because you fell bad instead of insisting they earn them or you take them someplace extravagant and spend way too much. The best times I remember with my folks growing up were when we just spent time together. We played games and we enjoyed nature together and it was simple and that's what I remember most. Keep it in mind.

Do something just for you.

When was the last time you and your mister went on a date? When was the last time you did something that you love to do? Can't remember? Then you are about due! I try hard to do something just for me everyday, mostly because I just need it! I'll play my piano for 20 minutes or write a blog post or take pictures or paint or sew or sometimes the thing I want most is a nap and I'll do that! The kids get ornery when they have to do school stuff all the time, so where does it say the same thing doesn't apply to you? Exactly my point.

As for the momster, I'll try to keep her in check. ;0)

Monday, October 10, 2011

tHiS iS wHaT i LiKe (post 311)

J. Lamb 2010

You know it's no secret that this is by far my favorite time of year! The weather gets cooler, my Fall wardrobe is far more interesting, cooking and heating up the kitchen is again desirable, and the world transforms into a golden blast of color before the long sleep of winter. Even with my ridiculously busy schedule of work, kids, more work, and kids again, I make sure to take some time to cook up some of my favorite dishes!

I've mentioned before about one of my favorite sites for recipes is ALLRECIPES.COM. I love their easy to follow recipes and tons of ideas for anything you could possibly want to cook. Last week I was in the mood for something in the way of soup and maybe pumpkin, yum! I lucked out and found this yummy recipe:

Coconut Curry Pumpkin Soup 


  • 1/4 cup coconut oil
  • 1 cup chopped onions
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 3 cups vegetable broth
  • 1 teaspoon curry powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground coriander
  • 1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
  • 1 (15 ounce) can 100% pure pumpkin
  • 1 cup light coconut milk


  1. Heat the coconut oil in a deep pot over medium-high heat. Stir in the onions and garlic; cook until the onions are translucent, about 5 minutes. Mix in the vegetable broth, curry powder, salt, coriander, and red pepper flakes. Cook and stir until the mixture comes to a gentle boil, about 10 minutes. Cover, and boil 15 to 20 minutes more, stirring occasionally. Whisk in the pumpkin and coconut milk, and cook another 5 minutes.
  2. Pour the soup into a blender, filling only half way and working in batches if necessary; process until smooth. Return to a pot, and reheat briefly over medium heat before serving.  
I know you're thinking, wait, curry?! Isn't that seriously spicy? I say if you haven't tried it, don't knock it! I am convinced that you can add curry to just about anything and it makes it better! Think more of a smokey flavor than a hot flavor. This soup was soooo good too! Totally satisfied the soup/pumpkin craving I was having and super easy to make too!

My GF Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe is a much requested treat and in fact, my man has just about polished off the last batch I made in April! (Gotta love my freezer!)

(The original recipe is here also on , I just modified it a bit to make it GF and Dairy-free)
GF/ Dairy free Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Cookies


  • 1 cup shortening
  • 2 cups white sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1 (15 ounce) can pumpkin puree
  • 4 cups gluten-free all-purpose flour (such as Bob's Red Mill)
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 pinch ground nutmeg
  • 1 cup gluten/dairy free semisweet chocolate chips (I use semi-sweet chocolate mini chips from Enjoy Life , which I just get at Wal-Mart BTW)
  • 1 cup chopped walnuts (optional)


  1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Grease cookie sheets.
  2. In a large bowl, cream together the shortening and white sugar until smooth. Beat in the eggs one at a time. Stir in the vanilla and pumpkin until well blended. Combine the flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt, cinnamon and nutmeg; stir into the pumpkin mixture. Mix in the chocolate chips. Stir in the walnuts if desired. Drop by teaspoonfuls onto the prepared cookie sheets.
  3. Bake for 12 to 15 minutes in the preheated oven, until edges begin to brown. Allow to cool for a few minutes on the baking sheets before removing to wire racks to cool completely. 
What are some of your favorite fall treats to make? I would love to hear them at or come and visit me at's NoT yOuR aVeRaGe MoM. Hooray for Fall!! ;0D 

Monday, October 3, 2011

10 things

(Well, not you specifically...just in general)

The image above is from one of my favorite movies. A modernized version of Shakespeare's Taming of the Shrew (thank you Wikipedia), I enjoy it for it's witty one-liners mixed with a healthy serving of teenage angst.  Not that it really has anything to do at with the post I'm about to write (aside from the title perhaps), I just happened to like, so there?! ;0) I have been cooking up this post for quite sometime now and I know I haven't been all that "share-y" lately, I really do think about writing, even when I lack the time and energy. I have compiled a list of obvious bugs I have, I know I'm known for being overly opinionated (in blog-land that is) but, in real life, I am a pretty easy going, go with the flow type of NoT sO aVeRaGe. ;0) And for the record, I don't really hate any of just made a good title. I dislike with a passion, would perhaps be more accurate? ;0) These are in no particular order:

1. Blanketed statements.

You know the kind, the statements that begin with "you always" or "you never" and involve some sort of all inclusive or exclusive nonsense. "I always pick up after you" or "You've never done that", as far as I can tell (and I am a reasonable sort of person) it is nearly impossible to assume that something happens with such consistency. There has to be some point in life that you actually picked up after yourself or did something you supposedly never do. We're not programmed robots here, we're humans and humans are not so rigid in, ever. Try this again, "I seem to pick up after you a lot" or "That would be out of character for you", no inclusive or exclusive rhetoric here. ;0)

2. Explaining myself.

If my actions somehow involve you, I am happy to explain what I'm doing. If they don't then, why on earth do you care? Last I checked, it is my God-given right to live exactly how I choose to live, period. I am really sick of explaining exactly how things work at my house or even exactly how I feel about them. No, I'm not married. Yes, I support myself. Yes, I'm in a committed relationship. No, I don't care what you think...period.

3. Assumptions.

You know the old adage, when you assume you make an @$$ out of U and ME? Exactly my point. I don't ever assume to know how you feel because I AM NOT YOU. Get it? I can relate from personal experience (and because I am a little socially backward, that tends to be only way I can relate), but I can't assume to know exactly how you feel. If you want to know something, just ask...don't just assume you know, because chances don't.

4. Formatting.

A very good way to organize your thoughts, your blog posts, your computer files, yes...I'll agree with all of a point. (Save the computer all means keep up with the formatting) I have a format I've followed for this blog for a year and a half now, but I've found that in the limited amount of time I have to share it really stifles my creativity. So, down with the format I say!! Hey, it's Monday?! Where's the tHiS iS wHaT i LiKe segment? It's gone to a better place I tell you and you're better off without it! (Not really, I just haven't reviewed anything worth touting lately...I've been busy okay?!) Eh, it's my blog right? Damn straight! ;0)

5. Being made fun of for talking to myself.

I have a disorganized thought process. (Really, I had no idea?!) Okay, this is probably fairly obvious when I start out talking about something and end up in left field by the end. (I.E. this blog...hmmm) If I have to do something that requires all steps to be done in a precise order, the only way to get it to click in that order to me, is to recite it aloud. I'm not crazy (well, that may very well be relative), but I do know that this works and therefor I shall continue to do it. (Parenthesis and all) ;0)

6. Judgmental People.

People come in all sorts of colors, shapes and sizes, backgrounds, orientations, circumstances, religious preferences and what not. The one thing we all have in common is, we are human. Hate is such a waste of an emotion and if you are my friend, I could care less about any of these things. That being said, I can't for the life of me figure out where people get the notion that they are somehow "better " than others. Be it the high and mighty of the so-called Christians or the snobbery that comes with wealth, I just don't get it. If you get off on putting other people down, then I have no time for you.

7. Bad parenting.

I'm sure if you've read more of these posts, you know how bad this bugs me. You have been entrusted to make sure these little souls are taken care of and nurtured and brought up to become the leaders of tomorrow. They are not a burden, they are not an annoyance, they are not even mini-yous, they are a gift and should be treated as such. The bond between parent and child is a strong one and if you enjoy them and make sure you are the very best parent possible, you will be taken care of in your old age at the very least. ;0)

8. Disrespect.

It has become the norm for people of all ages to be just down right disrespectful. You are destroying other people's things, you are not respecting the opinions of others, you aren't even teaching your children not to do this. If it's not yours don't touch it, if it is blatantly offensive don't say it. Show some common courtesy to those around you, say "please" and "thank you", smile at strangers, open doors for old ladies and the infirm. Teach your children to do the same. Insist upon it.

9. Basing your happiness on the actions of others.

"Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions."~Dalai Lama 

You can't go around in this world expecting others to make you happy, I know because I tried that for years and it doesn't work, ha! You have to do what makes you happy or tell others what makes you happy or you have to just plain accept yourself for exactly who you are. "You're making me unhappy", no you are allowing yourself to be that way. We are all in charge of us, how we react to people, situations, circumstances, and no one can choose for us how to feel. Choose to be happy. I know you're thinking this just sounds way to easy and really the concept is a really simple one and that, my friend is the point. ;0)

10. Being Overcomplicated.

Despite a larger than average fluency in the English language (ha!), I am quite simple as a person. I love deeply. I observe quietly. I enjoy beauty in all things. I read for entertainment. My kids are my world. As long as I have converse sneakers on my feet, a Dr. Pepper in one hand, my camera in the other, my man by my side, and my kids laughter echoing as music past my ears, I am happy. Simple as that.

Monday, September 26, 2011


My computer slowed down over the course of the week last week. Slowwweeed dooooownnnn to the point of....stop. No biggie, I have the ABC RENT A GEEK handy and at my disposal. He fixed it. He always does. I ended up with a computer break for 3 days over the weekend because of it. Normally, I would have been annoyed that I hadn't been able to keep up with my blogging interests and annoyed that I couldn't live vicariously through my 496 (at last count) FB friends. This weekend was different though. I worked all afternoon/evening on Saturday after spending all morning with my family, attending a festival and parade in our sleepy little town. I was tired when I was through and normally would have wanted to check to see what happened while I was out LIVING but, I didn't care. Today, as I attempt to wade through all the things that need to be checked I realize I would rather be living my life instead.

I started this particular blog last April after I lost my job. It was great as a means to express myself and feel like I had a use again. I loved to share all the things I have learned and/or made, I loved to think that people got something out of it. I've repeated myself over and over again (I'm not under any delusion here) and I think I've about used myself up. Now, before you get all upset that I'm putting an end to ShE's NoT yOuR aVeRaGe MoM all together (yes, that would be, 3 of you) let me assure you that I'm not. Where once I posted 5 days a week and then trickled down to 3 and then I only posted once last week, I'm really surprised anyone reads this at all! It bugs me to no end that I don't have the time I used to have to devote to this and I hate to have to kill it all, what's the solution? 

For my FB readers, I'll still be there 5 days a week like usual sharing quotes, thoughts, recipes,, no worries there. For my blogger-only readers, I will be here when I feel inspired to be. Like I have several sewing projects completed and in the works that I'll share soon and I still cook gluten-free goodies that warrant sharing as well! I am, however, going to nix the "TiP fOr TuEsDaY" segment all together. It was fun to do, but I know it's pretty lame now. I'm over it!

I haven't killed it yet folks, but perhaps a little tweaking is in order and this is exactly what I intend to do! Stay tuned!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

TiP fOr TuEsDaY (post 308)


There is a reason why my title pic shows me juggling my kids. Yep, and you guessed it it has to do with priorities. As a kid your top priority is what? Maybe your social life, or your gaming habits, or asking "what's for dinner?" a thousand times that day? As an adult, you find that your priorities shift and this is especially true when you become a parent. I can name so many things that I want to do, but I can name so many more things that I have to do. Eh, such is life. Is it all worth it in the end? Absolutely! I want my kids to grow up knowing that they were my top-priority and that I love them and want them to be happy above everything. This is my goal. I know that it is the "in thing" to be, eh, let's say a "less-involved" parent (to be polite) and to be more concerned about yourself and your social life. What we should we be doing is raising self-sufficient, respectful, motivated, leaders of tomorrow. Here's my thoughts on the subject:

Teach your kids to do for themselves.

When they are little and eager to please, this is the time to teach them to clean up after themselves. Make it a game and keep it up through out childhood. I don't understand parents that don't teach their kids to keep their rooms clean, or to do household chores, or to clean up spills or accidents they make. Do you want them to live with you forever? I don't like cleaning up after everyone all the time, seriously, I have better things to do. I pay my kids a small allowance and let them earn the things they want. They don't do their chores, I don't pay allowance. No ifs ands or buts about it.

Make education a priority.

Not trying your best is not acceptable at my house. If you are capable of doing it, then you do it to the best of your ability. Period. Don't make excuses for your child and don't tolerate laziness when it come to their studies. "With a good education you can do anything." is the  family motto around here and we mean it! I don't expect a brood of overachieving of early burnouts, but I never tell my kids they "can't" do something. If they are willing to put in the work, then we are willing to make it happen. You want to be extraordinary? Then extraordinary shall you be!

Be respectful of others and teach it young.

Why is it that no one teaches this anymore? I am sick and tired of parents just letting their kids run wild and not teaching them to respect property, or time, or the feelings of others. Is that yours? Then don't touch it. Are you thinking of those around you? Then why not? Don't you like others to treat you with dignity? This are questions you should be asking parents and giving the answers to you children. No one person is better than another. You are not special simply because you think you are. You are unique just like that guy walking down the street and we respect the thoughts and feelings of everyone.

Make your own happiness.

No one can do it for you. I hear it all the time, people complaining that they are unhappy because of so and so's actions. How ludicrous! You and only you can choose how you react to situations and to the actions of others. I wasted too many of my years miserable because of how I was being treated. Yeah, there are a lot of jerks out there that get off on making those around them miserable. If you have a constant downer blocking your sunshine, then ditch them or deal. Don't let them make you miserable. People can't read your mind and you can't expect others around you to make you happy. Speak up for what you want, choose to be happy, and never let people treat you badly. Oh, and learn to ignore the haters! Ha!

Okay, as I read through this post I'm not sure that the body necessarily lives up to the title (so what else is new, right?). I just know that we as parents can do a better job. I get complimented constantly on how well-behaved my kids are and I don't really know why! I mean, they are kids! They love to drive me nuts, but know how much I love them and know that it is enough to make sure they behave. They watch your every move and you are disrespectful, then they will be more disrespectful and if you are lazy, they will be lazier. I see it every day and it makes me sick.

Friday, September 16, 2011

ThOuGhT fOr ThE dAy (post 307)

J. Lamb 2011
"We can only appreciate the miracle of a sunrise if we have waited in the darkness."  ~Author Unknown

Life is full of ups and downs, sunny spots and areas of shadow, good along with the bad. That's why it's called life. If everything was always easy, or fun, or worthwhile how would you ever learn to appreciate the good? You're right, you wouldn't. Thank you to the powers that be for granting me the opportunity to experience both the good and bad in life because I have learned to appreciate the good and to never take it for granted. Just a thought....;0)

Monday, September 12, 2011

tHiS iS wHaT i LiKe (post 306)

Kellog's Rice Krispies Gluten Free
Good Monday folks! I have mostly recovered from working all weekend (my house included) and I'm raring to be sharing one of my fabulous "likes" with you! Can you say yummy-cereal-goodness? Yay! After months of anticipation, look what I found on my local grocery store shelf! GF Rice Krispies! (queue disembodied angelic choir...ahhhhh!!!!) ;0)

GF peeps know, when there are so many things that you just CAN'T have, it is so cool when they come out with that you used to eat, that you now CAN have. YES!! According to my GF eater, they are "better than the original" and I have to agree. Same crispy, crunchy texture...same legendary "SNAP! CRACKLE! POP! when you add milk, how can you go wrong? I can't wait to make Rice Krispies Treats with it either, yum!

Thank you Kellog's for the great product and I encourage everyone else to give them a try. Good stuff for sure! SNAP! CRACKLE! POP! and tHiS iS wHaT i LiKe....try it, I'll bet you like it too! ;0)

Friday, September 9, 2011

ThOuGhT fOr tHe dAy (post 305)

J. Lamb 2011
"We all leave footprints in the sand, the question is, will we be a big heal, or a great soul?" ~Unknown

Do you ever wonder what impact you have in the lives of others? If you have the privilege to be a parent or a mentor or teacher, then you have to know that you have the power to shape and mold these little souls. Such a heavy responsibility to be entrusted with! But, a labor of love none the less and one I wouldn't trade for the anything! Just a thought...;0)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

TiP fOr TuEsDaY (post 304)

The pitfalls of being too nice.


This right here will be going on my door as soon as I'm done writing this. I am probably going to regret admitting this, but I really am too nice. I have been swindled out of money and services and ended up with countless subscriptions and other things I don't need. It's been so bad that I usually just shut the door right after I open it bidding the solicitor good day and not giving them a second thought. Perhaps I was caught off guard today, I'm not sure really how it happened, but a sweet college student from Estonia saddled me with a hefty bill for something I didn't need. I should have just shut the door. Sigh.

Too many years of people pleasing in the customer service industry has warped my ability to be effective at saying NO. I can say it to my kids alright. I can tell my man the same thing. I can't for the life of me figure out why someone at the door is so different. Since I'm obviously no good at it I thought I'd seek out a little help and found an article at Woman's Day. I also found an article here about "How to Stop Being a People Pleaser". It actually looks really helpful in breaking the cycle all together. 

What it all boils down to is maybe, just maybe, I should stop them from knocking on the door altogether. (Or at least discourage it) A friend of mine has a sign on her door discouraging people from knocking by claiming the dogs will eat the offenders and perhaps that is a bit extreme (if not really funny). I think I'll post my sign and work on leaving the customer service skills at work where they belong for now. Oh, that and figure out how to return something to Estonia. Sigh. ;0P

Friday, September 2, 2011

ThOuGhT fOr ThE dAy (post 303)

J. Lamb 2011
“To become truly great, one has to stand with people, not above them.”
~Charles de Montesquieu
I listened as my man explained to one of the kids, "No one person is better than another. It doesn't matter what color you are, how you grew up, what religion you follow, there is no such thing as anyone being better than anyone else." We believe wholeheartedly in this and have taken the time to teach our kids as well. You can't judge someone based on how they look or act and you cannot view yourself as "better" than anyone else. We are all individuals and have the right to live how we see fit and it is not up to us judge. Nor would I ever want to...just a thought.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

TiP fOr TuEsDaY (post 302)

Busy Mom? Okay, I'm aware it's impossible to be a Mom and not be busy, I mean seriously. I'm all sorts of busy these days and really good at being pooped! So, how on earth do you maintain sanity in this business? Maybe it isn't be the judge!:


This comes easily for some, not so much for others! My sis is the organizing queen (check here for tips), me I have to keep certain things in order as to not lose it! The kids pick out clothes the night before and lay them out. All homework and things that need to go to school get loaded up and set by the door the night before as well. I juggle all appointments via my mobile device, which works great! I just plug it in as it's made and review my calender weekly.


It's impossible to do it all, so don't try. I've watched so many Moms burn themselves out and it's not good for anyone. Being frazzled constantly makes your kids crazy and your mate as well and it just leads to Mommy-guilt and I know I have enough of that on my own! My house gets a good scrub on my days off, so I just make sure it gets picked up the rest of the week. We attend as the important activities (such as Back to School Night) and just let others go. The kids have enough stuff to think about and do without attending every single little thing and my kids don't complain. A little down time is good for everyone! ;0)


Once you kids are old enough to walk, they are old enough to be taught to clean up after themselves, period. I love it when they are little and we always sang the "clean up" song and they picked up their toys gladly. Unfortunately I have a house full of preteens and this isn't quite so effective, thank goodness we started young! They are old enough to keep up with daily chores for an allowance and I am grateful for the help. Teach them to be responsible for themselves and to be courteous to the world around them by having them help with the housework. Too bad it isn't as effective for grown men...hmmmm.


I was watching the Today Show this morning and heard that happy couples make the time to spend 30 minutes with each other (uninterrupted) daily. (The article is here) Talk about your day and listen to your partner for real. I know this is hard at my house with crazy work schedules, busy kids and whatnot. We still take the time to talk at the end of the day and have our ritual coffee every morning.
I can't overstate the importance of taking a little you time either. Something just for you, a hobby, a passion, a good read. Even if you sneak a 20 minute nap occasionally, I'll bet the world won't come to an end!

I know it's crazy at my house, but that's okay. I can't do it all and remember everything and have a spotless house all the time, so be it. As long as the kids and the man know I love them and I maintain my sanity (somewhat) then we're good! That's your TiP fOr TuEsDaY! ;0)

Friday, August 26, 2011

ThOuGhT fOr tHe dAy (post 301)

J. Lamb 2011

“Grief is the price we pay for love” ~Elizabeth II
Indeed it is. Loving someone and losing them, is the major cause of grief in people's lives. Joy cannot be felt without love as well. The grief I've felt in life over the loss of people I love was so worth it for the joy. I wouldn't trade love to save myself the grief for the world. Just a thought...

Monday, August 22, 2011

tHiS iS wHaT i LiKe (post 300)

I'm baaaaaaack! And just when you thought you had gotten rid of me....bwah-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!;0D I just referenced the post number and had to look twice, I mean...I've posted 300 times on this blog already?! Who knew I had so much to say, right? (or not as the case may be) ;0) Anyway, I'm feeling better this week and a bit more refreshed and ready to tackle life again. I completed my one of my projects, had a couple of days off, and even got my house clean(er). Amazing what a little down time does for your initiative, right? Right! I really don't have a "like" per say today, but I do have some pics of fun stuff to show off. So here goes!:

I have a good friend who is a 3rd grade teacher. She has followed my blog (as I do hers) for a long time and asked me if I could make some pillows for her classroom. She brought me the material and told me what ones she had used already and told me to let my "creative juices" flow. Oooh hoo hoo, one of my favorite phrases ever! Her classroom is a sun theme this year and what's more appropriate than a sunset? That's what I was thinking when I made the pillow above.

This pillow I actually made first, I wanted a checkerboard pattern with the orange and green and decided an envelope-style flap in the yellow stripe would be fab! Full disclosure here, my daughter picked out the buttons and didn't she do a great job? ;0)

I probably spent the most time on this pillow above. I knew I wanted the background to be green and thought that these simplistic appliqued trees would be super cute! I used the striped flannel for the trunks and some of the buttons my friend brought for the "fruit". Topped off with fluffy little appliqued clouds and sun and a yellow striped border and this pillow screams child's drawing, right? ;0)

This one was my favorite to make! I happen to know my friend loves stars and just had to make at least one pillow with a star theme. I love, love how the shooting star stripes turned out and I lifted it up so you can see the star applique wraps around to the other side of the pillow! (It originally matched up perfectly, but I had to size the case down a tad)

I needed another green pillow and took strips of all the other colors and appliqued them around this one. I should have shown the other side so you can see they wrap all the way around, oh well. ;0)

I had so much fun with these and my friend has had many compliments. I loved doing it and thanks for the opportunity Anne! ;0D

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


I've been absent. I have not felt well for a few days and life is running far faster than I have been able to keep up. The kids started school. I'm working a lot. I have several other things I need/want to accomplish that have been using up what precious free time I have and my house is a wreck. I'm not ignoring you dear blog-world (although my POTD blog begs to differ), I just have other things that need to be done first. Bummer, I know. I don't necessarily like it either. I'll be back soon though, I promise.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Sew sunny

I thought I would share a little sneak-peek on a sewing project I'm working on. Sunny would be the word! Stay tuned and I'll share them all when they are done. Suweet! ;0D

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

TiP fOr TuEsDay (post 297)

J. Lamb 2011

I had a discussion with a friend the other day and we were talking about the actions of others. I confessed that I am not an example and don't pretend to be. I don't understand why people feel the need to be so dishonest with others and themselves. She pointed out to me that at least I am being honest. Honest. What does that word really mean? When we are honest with each other we are showing respect to one another. Likewise, when we are honest we are showing respect for ourselves. Funny how that works.

Let's say that you just allow someone to think you are something you are not, isn't that the same thing as being dishonest? Of course. Does the world really paint itself in such black and white hues? No, of course not. Just as someone is dishonest, someone can choose to stick their heads in the sand I suppose. That's the funny thing about reality, you have to actively participate in it too. Some people just don't participate. Being the realist that I am, I think I've got that mastered. ;0)

You can only pretend to be someone you're not for so long you know...someone always figures you out. This is something I've pointed out to my children many a time and encourage them to be honest always. I know that honesty isn't the popular thing these days and some people make a great living out of being dishonest. Sad as it is, it's true. Just because everyone else is jumping off a cliff, doesn't mean you should too you know. How about we as parents set the example and be honest in our business dealings, with our families, and ultimately with ourselves. Heaven forbid we start a movement in honesty!

I confess...I am not the all-knowing parenting guru and I can improve a great many things. I am, however, honest with you and myself and know this. I encourage everyone to be more honest and likewise, to join the rest of us in reality (for those of among us that need help with that) and be honest with ourselves.

Friday, August 5, 2011

ThOuGhT fOr ThE dAy (post 296)

J. Lamb 2011

The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim
Because it was grassy and wanted wear,
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I marked the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Sew a little love

I'm not sure how I've found the time to do any sewing, but I did manage to make a couple of winners! We did a little tie-dying with our thrift store treasures, but I've done a little reworking of things "New Dress a Day style". The first one started out as a plain pink tank picked up for a buck. My daughter is obsessed with cherries at the moment and we picked up a little fabric (for 1.50) at Wal-Mart and got to work.

I made ruffles and attached them to some narrow elastic and pinned them "tiered" style to the body. After a little sewing and the addition of that great sparkly pink belt, she got this! I mean, how cute!! This was super easy to make and she loves it! ;0D

The piece I'm wearing started out as a plain red sleeveless shirt I picked up at Ross on clearance for a couple of bucks. I had it for a different purpose and decided it would be so cute as a vest! I picked up the red apple fabric in a bundle from the thrift store thinking it was flannel. I pulled it out later and discovered it was knit?! Score!

I started out by cutting the red shirt in half up the middle. I then cut my material to twice the width of the shirt and gathered and pinned it to the bottom. I stitched it down and made some piping for the edges up the middle. Look how cute this turned out! My daughter has decided she REALLY likes it and it is now residing in her closet! I just love how cute they turned out and how cheap! Chic on the cheap is my mantra! ;0D

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

TiP fOr TuEsDaY (post 294)

Summer is sizzling! Thank goodness we're on the home stretch....

Ugh, this has been the longest summer ever...or at least it has to me. After over a year of unemployment, I got a job right at the end of the school year and this has elongated it somehow. In years past the kids would have spent the majority of the summer chillin' at the daycare. Wait?! Daycare is good? My kids had the opportunity when they were younger to go one of the best daycares I think I've ever seen. During the summer they went swimming twice a week, went to the park, went to the museums, went bowling, went to the library, and they looked forward to it every year. The ladies that run it are all grandmas and love the kids and the kids love them. But, that was before my kids got bigger.
This year the kids have spent the summer at home, together, bickering incessantly and driving Mom insane. 2 weeks to go until school starts, 2 weeks to go until Mom can stop pulling out her hair! My daughter should be well acquainted with her bedroom (especially today) because she lacks the ability respect anything of her brother's. I can only keep them occupied so long and I've spent a lot of time at work these last few weeks (that and just because I'm working, it doesn't mean we're any less poor this year) and we have a recipe for disaster. So, what has (and hasn't) worked?:

I have a work schedule, why shouldn't the kids? They get up and have breakfast and then they play games for a little while or do quiet activities. Lunch and then clean up after themselves and do chores. I let them watch Netflix (we turned off the cable) and when I'm home we do something fun (such as a craft or play a game or make something in the kitchen or go to the dollar store). After dinner when it cools off a bit they ride their bikes to the playground or we all watch a movie together. When there is a little more money to go around, we go to the local pool or get dinner at McD's or Del Taco, or go and see a movie in the theater.

It doesn't matter how many time I tell them that you can't expect someone to be nice to you unless you are also nice in return, they still fight. Ugh, and the only way to get it to stop (and to maintain my sanity) is to separate the offenders. Luckily, the two that usually fight have separate bedrooms and I can order them to their respective "corners" and shut the door. This works usually, but sometimes Mommy love needs to take effect and we...

Distract and deflect.
I know that they spend a lot of time together and Mom has to work and sometimes taking one and spending a little one-on-one Mommy time is the trick. My daughter and I make some jewelery together or cook a treat and I read comics and play games with the boys. I always take just one of them to run errands with me and this way I can talk to them one-on-one and it isn't at all formal and I make sure I really listen to them.

Let go.
I like to get the things that NEED to be done before I do the things I WANT to do, but sometimes you just need to let go. Forgo to chores for an afternoon and take the kids for a drive or if I'm super stressed I institute a mandatory "nap time". I'll take about a half and hour and insist that the kids stay in their rooms and stay quiet (and read or draw quietly) and just close my eyes and let it go. The kids learn to respect my time and appreciate a little silence and Mom is refreshed and ready to tackle stuff again afterwords. Have popcorn for dinner sometimes too. This is one of our favorites, we'll pop a huge bowl of air-popped popcorn and pick out a movie and spend the evening together. End the night with some ice cream and I love it! ;0)

2 weeks to getting up early for school, 2 weeks to go till homework and friends take over their lives again, and 2 weeks to go until Mom can clean the house and it'll stay clean for a little while! Of course, Moms all know this is true heaven! ;0D

Friday, July 29, 2011

ThOuGhT fOr tHe DaY (post 293)

J. Lamb 2011
Passion rebuilds the world for the youth. It makes all things alive and significant. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Follow the lead of our youngest members of society and live life with a passion. It would such a shame to look back on your life when you are old and see that you didn't effect change or you didn't brighten the life of another or that you sat and watched the world go by instead of embracing it fully. Just a thought...;0)