Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Just turn it off!

We did something big here at the "not so average" house. Something even a bit extreme to others. Even though I begged for such a thing to happen for a while, it's been a bit of an adjustment for the kids. We turned it off. The cable TV has been eliminated from our home, yep we turned it off. I, for one, couldn't care less! I don't watch it...I haven't been a big TV watcher for several years. There are a few shows I got in to the habit of watching with my man, but with me busy and him busier, the practice has gone to the wayside. Don't get me wrong, I love to keep up with current events and watch the news and I love me some HGTV on lazy weekends, but I can keep up with both easily! How? Read on!:

-Get a digital antenna. It just so happens that one of the previous owners of our house had a satellite. It was attached to the back of our house and made for optimal placement of our antenna. We even went as far as calling up one of the local cable companies to find out where the translators are and we able to aim the antenna directly at them. Awesome! We pick up the local channels clear as day and in crisp HD quality too. I never miss out on my local news either. 

-Think Netflix and Hulu. Both for about 10 bucks a month and I can stream HGTV (with Hulu) on my laptop with HDMI output directly into the TV (in the bedroom). As for the family room we have a Blue-ray player with a internet connection and we can watch so many different kinds of movies and all of the kids' favorite TV shows from Nick and Disney Channel on Netflix. Pretty cool huh?

-Take the opportunity to encourage reading. Since the kids no longer have cable in their bedrooms, they spend their quiet time before bed reading. I love it. I am convinced that true knowledge is born from a love of reading.

The ups? No more drooling lumps before the TV having their little brains turned to mush. No more arguing when asked to something because "I was watching that!!" I can sequester them to their rooms when I need a time out and I come back to find them reading or doing something creative.
The downs? They are all out here watching Netflix next to my computer....loudly. Um, yeah. That's only this week week they'll be back in school!

1 comment:

Janae said...

I was quite happy when we turned off our cable and went just to antenna. We don't even bother with netflix, and just watch tv shows that we may miss online when they are posted by the network. I don't know that I ever want to go back to paying for cable!