Tuesday, March 22, 2011

TiP fOr TuEsDaY (post 225)

                                   Being Chic on the Cheap!
"BASIC" not boring.
Are you ready for another trip to my closet? What was that you said? You don't have a choice? Now what kind of attitude is that?! This is fun! ;0) Haha, today on Being Chic on the Cheap I'm going to show you how you can change your look with just a little change of (my favorite accessories!) your shoes. I started off with a white button down shirt (a must have basic, this one was 4.99 on clearance @Ross), a short sleeved black sweater ($7 dollars clearance @TJ Maxx), and some of my favorite jeans (These I found a couple of years ago on clearance @TJ. I can't remember how much, but they had to be 12.99 or under)! Okay, give me a sec to find my shoes....;0)

This pair is really fun! Fuchsia sequins and a whole lotta sparkle! I love to slap this pair on (Clearance @Ross $3!!!) for a little go to action. SHAZAAM!! A little bit funky with a classic look, I can't complain...;0)

Want a little bit of fun? Try these silver jeweled wedges ($12.99 @Ross). I dug out my silver metal belt for this look too. I like heels, but only when they are comfy (and cute) and this pair fit the bill! Feeling sexy Momma? ;0)

Stupid winter won't go away? No matter, try perusing the clearance sections now...and change up your look and get a start on next year's fun! I love, love these black flocked booties ($9.99 @Ross). They are flannel lined with sneaker soles and have the cutest tie feature in the back! Can you say Adorable?!

Ahh...if you run into me today, I will look just like this! Great multi-strand bead necklace and my fave hot pink chucks of course! Perfect look for sitting and freezing at soccer games later and obvious that I at least "tried" this morning! There is nothing wrong with dressing for comfort and looking good too! ;0)

My Grandma always says, "With the right pair of shoes you can do anything." Absolutely! Did you know that I used to wear a pair of comfy pair of jersey knit pants to my job where I had to dress "business appropriate" frequently and as long as I wore my super nice black loafers with them, no one was the wiser! Just goes to show you with great shoes you really can do anything! That's your TiP fOr TuEsDaY!

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