Thursday, March 3, 2011

Wishing for Spring!

Who else is ready for Spring? I know I am! I live in an area that usually has mild winters. It's not unusual for it to be in the fifties all winter long. Not the last couple of years though and I've had enough! It snowed twice here this winter, it has been in the single digits during the night and day on several occasions, and the sun has hidden it's face for far too long! Seriously, I live here for the beautiful weather and being so cold this year has been a bummer.
Thank you for the warmth of the day (it was 68 when I was just out there) and thank you mother nature for hinting that maybe warmer weather will be here more often.
What do you like to do for Spring? I like to take my family to the park and I will be spending the weekend outside pulling weeds! (Thank you silly rain!) I enjoy walking through my neighborhood and traveling to see family too. I could live without the allergies that are bothering me now, but honestly that's a year round occurrence!
Feel free to remind me of this post when I'm complaining that it's 110 out this summer, but for now I'll look forward to Spring! ;0)

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