Monday, March 14, 2011

tHiS iS wHaT i LiKe (post 219)

Here we are on the first Monday of Spring Break! I didn't get to sleep in (I was rescuing a friend instead), but it hasn't been too bad. My kids are getting old enough to be exceptionally lazy on breaks, so other than not getting them to do anything at all...okay, that in itself is kind of annoying. ;0P Oh well...what was I talking about? Oh yeah, Spring. Yep I love it, even if my allergies beg to differ!
Allergies? Ick. Spring with warmer temperatures and colors to brighten the landscape, cool! I love my Claritin though and it makes the warmth of Spring that much more enjoyable!  I developed some serious hay-fever as a late teenager and have tried many, many things for a little relief and nothing has ever been so effective as Claritin. It zaps my itchy eyes, my runny/stuffy nose, it clears out the allergy fog and it's non-drowsy! Yep, it makes me feel better without slowing me down...awesome!
Spring = Awesome! Allergies? Yeah, not so much. Not to worry though, I'm armed with the power of Claritin! Take that allergies and hellooooo sunshine! ;0)

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