Wednesday, March 9, 2011

ShE's NoT yOuR aVeRaGe (SOCCER) MoM

It seems to be that time of year. Yes, winter is melting fast and the buds and allergies and soccer balls are flying! Spring soccer season is upon us and MoM is perfecting her taxiing skills. My daughter had taken full advantage of me not being a productive member of the workforce and has participated in as many things as she possibly can. She joined the Safety Patrol at her school, she sings in the choir, plays the bass xylophone, and the violin. She attends a music after school program and now is playing girl's soccer with the local rec center, phew!
I've decided that if my kids want to participate in organized sports, playing through the rec center is the way to go. The program emphasizes teamwork and fun over competition and I love the laid back vibe. My brother played soccer for many years and my Mom was the coach for many of them too and I remember how heated the matches would get. The boys would trample over each other without a thought. I love the girl's style though! Two little girls each trying to get the ball and one accidentally kicks the other and then apologizes! I love it!
Okay, so it seems that the mini-van driving, soccer practice attending, taxiing children for 1/3 of the day days of spring are in full bloom! Being present for my kids as they grow up? Priceless. ;0)

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