Monday, March 7, 2011

tHiS iS wHaT i LiKe (post 214)


Happy Monday folks! Why do I always have more things to do than time on Mondays? Ahhh! Anyway, here's one of my favorite germ killing, morning breath zapping, great oral health promoting products...yes, Listerine!
I remember the thought of using Listerine as a child and cringing. You only had the one icky flavor and the thought brings back that old gag reflex...blech! That is totally not the case now! You have so many choices in flavors and have no excuse not to try it! I personally love the Advanced Citrus (pictured above) but, there is Cool Mint, Fresh Burst, Cinnamint and antiseptic, anti-cavity, tarter, why haven't you tried it yet?
Out of bed in the morning I wash the sleep from my eyes and swish and gargle a little Listerine. Canker sores, sore throat, hot date? Better hit the Listerine my friends! I floss and use a little Listerine before bed and it's my go to remedy for a sore throat.
Zap those Monday morning, rush around blues with a little Listerine! tHiS iS wHaT i LiKe, you should try it too! ;0)

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