Friday, March 25, 2011

ThOuGhT fOr ThE dAy (post 228)

J. Lamb 2011
“Fences are made for those who cannot fly.” ~Elbert Hubbard
 Fences are made to keep things in or out. Fences mark boundaries of property or land or political clout. Fences keep us safe and secure when we are young, but should be removed when we learn how to run. ~SNYAM
 Setting limits for our children is a good thing, they need to know you love them enough to keep them safe. Limits should never be applied when it comes to their imagination. If they want to learn and create and do and believe they can do anything when they grow up, let them. Never say "no, you can't". I can tell you that parents of extraordinary children who accomplish great things, have parents that let them believe they can do anything and encourage them to try. What kind of parent are you? Just a thought...;0)

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