Tuesday, August 31, 2010
TiP fOr TuEsDaY
Be prepared!
I am the mother of three kids. They are happy, healthy, and fairly well adjusted. They have all gotten bigger now, well big enough I don't have to follow them around constantly anymore to keep them out of harms way now. I remember when they were little though, it wasn't always that easy to keep them safe, we had our mishaps, bumped heads, falls down Grandma's stairs, sickness, near-chokings. I couldn't always keep them safe, but I was prepared when things did happen. You don't always know what to expect when you become a parent, but being prepared for "just in case" was always helpful. How does one become "prepared"? Let me give you a few tips on what has helped me!
Take a first-aid class.
I have taken several over the years and have retained the knowledge to today and I believe it is essential to have some knowledge as a parent. I know how to treat a fever and perform the infant Heimlich maneuver. I can stabilize a broken bone and apply a tourniquet. I know how to slow/stop bleeding and administer mouth to mouth resuscitation. I know not to panic when the kids get hurt and when to seek medical assistance when necessary. I can't tell you how many times I've found these things useful in my life and in fact I got to demonstrate the infant Heimlich for a friend yesterday. The baby was fine, I just realized her Mom didn't know what to do for a choking baby....wow!
Invest in a child-rearing publication.
I believe on of the very best things my Mom ever did for me, was get me a subscription to Parents magazine. You'd be amazed at how many things you can learn from the experts they have that write articles. Anything from developmental expectations to toy recommendations and product reviews. I used to read it from cover to cover. Also, get yourself a great book such as Dr. Spock's Baby and Child Care. I used this to tell what my baby should be eating at 6 months and beyond and developmental milestones to be on the look out for and any questions I had, could easily be referenced in his book.
Use your friends/relatives that have/had kids.
I'm sure you can't tell by this blog, but I try to not be pushy with other parents on sharing tips and pointers. If I know you well enough though, you'd better believe I'll let you know what works best for me! If you are having a hard time with a child and are fed up or are unsure what to try next, hit up a friend who had done that same thing. I don't know what I would have done if I couldn't call my Mom and ask for her advice when my kids were little and even now! She always remembered what it was like and what she would have done and somehow it always made it better.
Being a parent isn't always easy and try as we might, we can't always keep them safe. Being prepared for the "just in case" in their little lives is essential to knowing what to do and when and how to deal when it does. That's your TiP fOr TuEsDaY! ;0)
Monday, August 30, 2010
tHiS iS wHaT i LiKe
My Swivel Sweeper!
Haha, no I didn't not buy this infomercial spotlighted product off of my TV, but I did receive it as a house warming gift from my in-laws!(the Ex's) Honestly, it wasn't until recently that I even got it out and charged up the battery. Umm, let's just say it got misplaced after I received it and I just found it...again. (psst...it was in the bottom of my man's pantry that was so gross!) I instantly fell in love! I start it up and wander all around the hard floor surfaces in my house and eats up crumbs and swivels and makes quick work of hair and glitter and Lego pieces get eaten up and off the floor in a snap! Then when I'm done, I pull off the lid to the chamber and dump it out into the trash (retrieving the Lego pieces of course!) and store it neatly next to the fridge. What I love is it's great for everyday clean-ups when I'm far too lazy to get out the vacuum or torture myself by sweeping and kicking up dust. The kids like to use it too, which is always a plus! ;0)
So, if you have a house with wood floors or tile like I do and want something that's lightweight, effective, and easy to use, try a Swivel Sweeper! I know I like it and I'll bet you would too! ;0)
Friday, August 27, 2010
ThOuGhT fOr ThE dAy
Be the very best parent ever!
This thought isn't nearly as hard as you might think it to be. Really all it takes is stepping back and thinking, is this the very best for my child?, is this the very best I can do?, is this REALLY what I want and not what my child wants? You see, that isn't so daunting, is it? ;0) Let's break it down:
Is this the very best for my child?
Do you spend more time in your day running to activities for your child than time at home? I want my children to be able to experience life and achieve, but I also want then to enjoy being children. If you spend more time running to lessons and classes and activities than anything else, take a step back and think. It might not be the very best for your child or for you. Let your child decide on a couple of activities they really enjoy and concentrate on those. Don't try to persuade them one way or the other either, really let them choose. This way you know the they are really enjoying themselves and will still have time to be kids!
Is this the very best I can do?
Honestly, some parents don't get it, they would much rather not do things because they plain just don't want to. It may be difficult, it may be boring to them, it may be...WAIT!! Once you had those kids, it is NOT about you anymore! My kids have been good, no fighting, did their chores, keeping up with their schoolwork and now want to go to McDonald's. I dislike McDonald's, the food ain't great, there are far too many screaming kids...but, wait, it isn't about me is it? So what do I do? I take them to McDonald's and they love it. Me? Yep, I'll get over it! I actually have a couple of friends who have a child and all I ever hear from the Mom is how the Dad won't do things or get things for the child that she needs because he doesn't AGREE with them. What?! I asked, "Uh...didn't you tell him, it's not about him anymore?" I mean come on!? Okay, that's it...now I'm annoyed so next question! ;0)
Is this really what I want and not what my child wants?
It's okay, we all do it sometimes right? I REALLY want these shoes Mommy and you suggest a cheaper pair, am I right? Ha ha you caught me, I totally do that too, but this isn't really what I'm talking about. You sign them up for karate because you took karate and now they throw a fit every time it's time to go. Did you ask your child if that was what they wanted to do? My guess would be a no. Take the time to really get to know your child and their wants and wishes because they are NOT mini-you's. Children deserve to be treated with the same respect you deserve and if someone just signed you up for something and told you you had to go you'd be pissed right? Right.
When you think back about being a kid do you remember you parents talking down to you and not paying attention to what you want? Think about it then and try your hardest to be the very best parent ever, it's not that hard....just a thought. ;0)
Thursday, August 26, 2010
The things we do for our children...
Occasionally I find myself amazed at things I do for my children, you know things you never pictured yourself doing! My man and I sacrificed something for ourselves for my daughter's birthday this year, click here if you want the details, but I find myself doing these things most days.
Even in the old days of being married to the kid's Dad and coming home with him wearing the princess crown playing on the floor with our daughter. "Oh Daddy, are you a princess too?", I'd ask and he'd give me a sheepish look. I sacrifice sleep frequently, up at 6:45 five days a week for my son, to school at 7:50 with my daughter 2 days a week. I sacrifice the gas in my car driving to 2 different schools 3 times a day most days and 4 times a day on 2. I am limited to times I can shower daily, times I can grocery shop weekly, times to get the laundry done and the house cleaned as well. The kids go to school and the mad dash of chores and errands and hobbies and Mom time begins and always ends just as quickly as it starts it seems! I sacrifice my needs to make sure they have what they need, I sacrifice my wants to make sure they have what they want. I spend my money on them and when I get more, I spend it on them too! I sacrifice a clean house for playtime, I sacrifice a good meal for popcorn and a movie sometimes too.
Of course there are things that I want, but the happiness of my children far outweighs anything that I want hands down. You know why? Because the thing I ultimately want is them, healthy, happy, strong, and able to make whatever they want out of life a reality. The ability for them to be successful, happy, and able to contribute to society starts with you Mom. I, for one, am okay with just that.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
TiP fOr TuEsDaY
Got Homework?
Since the school year is in full swing at my house, of course this means lots and lots of homework! In fact, as I am typing away at this, my little one is sitting on the floor next to me completing his. I am so completely amazed at the amount of homework my kids have! I don't even remember having homework in Elementary school, but my little one did in Kindergarten a couple of years ago....crazy! I thought I'd share a few tips on how to make it a little more manageable for Mom and kids alike!
No procrastinating!
As soon as mine walk in the door after school, they get right to work. I know, I know I've heard the advice on letting them unwind and whatnot, but my kids seem to be able to sit and complete it and enjoy the rest of the evening easier this way. I dunno, maybe it's because they are still in school mode! I let them have a snack, get comfortable and get cracking...never fails, everyone is done by 5 and we can worry about playing and exercise and dinner afterword!
To each his own!
Have each kid have his/or her own space to get their homework done. I have two boys that share a room and that makes it a little more difficult for them not to bug each other during homework time. No problem. My sixth grader gets home from school at 2 while the other two aren't done until 3:30. My sixth grader comes home and gets his snack and gets to work on his homework quietly while just Mom is home and puts a really big dent in it by the time the other two get home. He hangs out at home while I fetch the others and when they get home they get their snack quietly and my daughter goes to her room and my little one joins me in the office. He works on his homework and I check my e-mail, win-win if you ask me!
Helicopters and homework don't mix!
Are you a helicopter parent? I mean do you HOVER? Hovering and homework are a bad combination in my mind and I know (unfortunately) from experience that it doesn't work either. I sit down with my kids before the school year and lay down my expectations for the upcoming year and let them be responsible for their own selves. Really you ask? Really. Especially with my Asperger's child. He is so smart, if albeit a tad irresponsible, but not about his schoolwork. Yes, he may forget his jacket at least once a week and yes, he did come home covered with chocolate pudding from lunch today, but with just a little organization, homework is a snap! Which leads me to....
Teach the life-long skill of being organized!
Are your kids crazy? Chances are, you are too. Moms who are patient and organized have kids who are as well. My boy with the Asperger's had a really tough time a couple of years ago, with doing homework, turning in homework, losing it in his desk...until the magic orange folder was introduced. The orange folder is where anything that needed to go home was put, right when it was handed out. Magically the homework came home, the homework got done, the homework got turned back in. Magical, eh? ;0) Organization does not come natural to this guy at all, so a little encouragement was necessary. This year, he has 6 different teachers and 6 different classes, disaster huh? Nope! He has a master folder with pockets for each of his classes where his homework goes into and is returned finished and according to the progress reports I just read, he's got it! All A's, that's my boy! ;0)
Don't have kids with homework? Don't worry my friend, you soon will...but, follow my advice and of course my TiP fOr TuEsDaY and you too can handle it with ease! ;0)
Monday, August 23, 2010
Recycled from the blog reel
First off I am aware of the fact that it is Monday and I supposed to boring you with my tHiS iS wHaT i LiKe segment...ummm, yeah. I am not overly prepared today, too many resources being used up to plan for a little girl's birthday this week! ;0) It's all good though, this is why we keep archives for just such an occasion! I might make this a feature on occasion! I first published this on my Among the Lambsfold blog on August 19, 2009 give it a read!:
...and so I've learned
Earlier this week I was training a new employee and one of my regular customers leaned over the counter to tell me, "Now if you want anyone to think you are a day over 19, you'll have to cut your hair again..." This is something I hear frequently well, not about the hair, but something similar to this. I usually have someone asking me if I am still in school or telling me "you are too young, you wouldn't know." I know at some point I will enjoy everyone thinking I'm at least 10 years younger than I really am. For now it's kind of annoying, I've lived a lot of life since 19 and I would just like a little credit for what I've experienced. Here's a few things I've learned in this journey we all call life:
1. If your boyfriend/partner/significant other treats you like crap he is abusive. I unfortunately know this from first hand. Please watch for the warning signs and don't find yourself in this situation. If he treats his family with disrespect, don't be with him. My ex-husband was so mean to his Mom...yelled at her, took advantage of her, never spoke to her with respect. I wish I had known to pay more attention to this before hand. Everything wrong in his life is the fault of someone else. He couldn't hold a job because of the boss, or because of the co-workers, never because he couldn't get it together enough to work it out. If he ever raises a hand to you or is rough with you or calls you names , leave. I've been called every name in the book (none of them nice), I've been thrown, kicked, punched, hair pulled out of my head, made to feel absolutely worthless, I've also survived. The day I realized I deserved to be treated with respect and knew that I didn't need him to live my life, was the day I gained my freedom.
2. Raising kids is so much easier if you don't stress over little things. I have three and have spent the last 4 years as a single Mom. Yes, I have Lee who is every bit as helpful as a man who has never had any kids, but I've learned what is truly important. If your house isn't spotless, who cares!=0) I work, I come home, I help out with homework, make dinner, put kids to bed and wind down to start again tomorrow...taking the kids to school, getting ready for work...sometimes my house is only cleaned on the weekends. Sometimes we pick through piles of laundry through the whole week before it gets put away on my days off. My kids are happy though and well adjusted and every spare minute we have isn't spent trying to catch up on housework. =0) Let your kids be themselves. If that involves wearing a set of chinchilla ears to school sometimes then so be it. If your daughter insists that she needs to wear polka dots and stripes at the same time then let her. Hey, as long as they have the same colors in them, then go for it I say!=0) If your kids won't eat anything except cold cereal, pizza, pb and j, oh well! This is why someone invented the multi-vitamin! Have them try new things, but don't stress if they don't like it or won't eat it.=0)
3. Not everyone is going to like you or what you have to say. You know I'm opinionated, you know I only am if I know what I'm talking about. You are not going to hurt my feelings if you don't like me or what I have to say. This is where having some self confidence is quite useful.=0) As long as I am trying my best to be the best kind of me there is, I no longer let myself beat myself up over stuff that can't be helped or that I messed up on. I'm happy, I have so many good things going for me and I can handle anything that comes my way. (Hopefully)=0)
4. I have the very best parents ever! Always understanding and willing to help me out, I couldn't have asked for better parents, ever! I wished I had listened to them closer when I was younger, I probably could have saved myself a lot of grief if I had taken there advice more often. They support me and are not judgmental. They helped me escape an abusive marriage and regain the custody of my kids and then helped me out with rent and a car until I was able to get on my feet again. Mom and Dad you rock! I love you so much!=0)
Now that 12 years have passed since I was actually nineteen, I know that I've lived so much life since then. Knowing that whatever I've faced has strengthened my character and no matter how much I protest, I'm always going to look much younger than I am. I know better though, even if I don't look any older, people are going to think what they will and so, I've learned...=0)
...and so I've learned
Earlier this week I was training a new employee and one of my regular customers leaned over the counter to tell me, "Now if you want anyone to think you are a day over 19, you'll have to cut your hair again..." This is something I hear frequently well, not about the hair, but something similar to this. I usually have someone asking me if I am still in school or telling me "you are too young, you wouldn't know." I know at some point I will enjoy everyone thinking I'm at least 10 years younger than I really am. For now it's kind of annoying, I've lived a lot of life since 19 and I would just like a little credit for what I've experienced. Here's a few things I've learned in this journey we all call life:
1. If your boyfriend/partner/significant other treats you like crap he is abusive. I unfortunately know this from first hand. Please watch for the warning signs and don't find yourself in this situation. If he treats his family with disrespect, don't be with him. My ex-husband was so mean to his Mom...yelled at her, took advantage of her, never spoke to her with respect. I wish I had known to pay more attention to this before hand. Everything wrong in his life is the fault of someone else. He couldn't hold a job because of the boss, or because of the co-workers, never because he couldn't get it together enough to work it out. If he ever raises a hand to you or is rough with you or calls you names , leave. I've been called every name in the book (none of them nice), I've been thrown, kicked, punched, hair pulled out of my head, made to feel absolutely worthless, I've also survived. The day I realized I deserved to be treated with respect and knew that I didn't need him to live my life, was the day I gained my freedom.
2. Raising kids is so much easier if you don't stress over little things. I have three and have spent the last 4 years as a single Mom. Yes, I have Lee who is every bit as helpful as a man who has never had any kids, but I've learned what is truly important. If your house isn't spotless, who cares!=0) I work, I come home, I help out with homework, make dinner, put kids to bed and wind down to start again tomorrow...taking the kids to school, getting ready for work...sometimes my house is only cleaned on the weekends. Sometimes we pick through piles of laundry through the whole week before it gets put away on my days off. My kids are happy though and well adjusted and every spare minute we have isn't spent trying to catch up on housework. =0) Let your kids be themselves. If that involves wearing a set of chinchilla ears to school sometimes then so be it. If your daughter insists that she needs to wear polka dots and stripes at the same time then let her. Hey, as long as they have the same colors in them, then go for it I say!=0) If your kids won't eat anything except cold cereal, pizza, pb and j, oh well! This is why someone invented the multi-vitamin! Have them try new things, but don't stress if they don't like it or won't eat it.=0)
3. Not everyone is going to like you or what you have to say. You know I'm opinionated, you know I only am if I know what I'm talking about. You are not going to hurt my feelings if you don't like me or what I have to say. This is where having some self confidence is quite useful.=0) As long as I am trying my best to be the best kind of me there is, I no longer let myself beat myself up over stuff that can't be helped or that I messed up on. I'm happy, I have so many good things going for me and I can handle anything that comes my way. (Hopefully)=0)
4. I have the very best parents ever! Always understanding and willing to help me out, I couldn't have asked for better parents, ever! I wished I had listened to them closer when I was younger, I probably could have saved myself a lot of grief if I had taken there advice more often. They support me and are not judgmental. They helped me escape an abusive marriage and regain the custody of my kids and then helped me out with rent and a car until I was able to get on my feet again. Mom and Dad you rock! I love you so much!=0)
Now that 12 years have passed since I was actually nineteen, I know that I've lived so much life since then. Knowing that whatever I've faced has strengthened my character and no matter how much I protest, I'm always going to look much younger than I am. I know better though, even if I don't look any older, people are going to think what they will and so, I've learned...=0)
Friday, August 20, 2010
ThOuGhT fOr ThE dAy
"And they were canopied by the blue sky, So cloudless, clear, and purely beautiful, That God alone was to be seen in Heaven."
Author: Lord Byron (George Gordon Noel Byron)
One of my favorite quotes and it echoes my thoughts when I see the bluest of skies. It's like looking through a mirror and being smiled upon by the heavens. I'm honestly not sure why this quote came to mind today, perhaps because I was thinking about something someone said to me the other day. It had to do with how I personally felt about a situation and this person decided that my feelings didn't deserve merit. Fair enough, was initially reaction, I mean we are all entitled to feel how we will. The more I though about it though, the more it saddened me to think that this person really didn't have the capacity to accept, well just that, acceptance. Unquestioning acceptance. I'm not one to judge people for their actions, for their beliefs, for their beings and I'm curious as to why this person felt that my concern was unjustified. I probably won't find out anytime soon, but it sure made me sad. To not be able to look heavenward through the bluest sky and know that you are...is tragic to say the least. To know someone cares, whether you think they should or not, should warrant gratitude and not be questioned. Just a thought.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Taking advantage...
This is your NoT sO aVeRaGe MoM. She looks a bit stressed don't you think? Nevermind that this shot was actually taken after a freak hailstorm a couple of weeks ago and she of course had to drag kids out in it because of a birthday party. But, this picture perfectly describes how she feels when she's being taken advantage of.
Yes, I somehow let myself be frequently and just because I'm not working right now doesn't mean I'm not just a busy (if not more) than if I do work. Think about this my so called "friends" who only call me up when they need my help with something. Just because I'm not working doesn't mean I want to come over and help you clean your cat-hair encrusted house, especially when you never bother to call me up and ask how things are going. Think about this when you decide to drop off your normally well-natured baby with me for a few hours, without a bottle. Then when you do come to retrieve her, ask to use the computer while she wails because she hasn't seen you in a while and just really wants you to hold her and nurse her.
Perhaps it's my fault, maybe I don't know when to say "no", like I really should have after being asked to make 40 bibs for a baby shower. Seriously!? Who on God's green earth needs 40 bibs? Yep, and I showed her too...I only made 30...so there!
I actually enjoy not working, I enjoy picking my kids from school everyday and making dinner most nights too. I love that my house is pretty clean and love it even more that it stays that way while the kids are in school! So, why is it you assume that I'm bored and feel the need to do stuff for you? Nobody ever asks if they can do anything for me...or even asks how my life is going. Yep, it's almost enough to get another job...or stop answering my phone anyway! ;0)
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
TiP fOr TuEsDaY
They WILL grow up... (even if you aren't ready!)
Both of these pictures are of my daughter taken just a year apart. She has grown up before my eyes this last year. Gone is the baby-fat and she has grown several inches and up 2 clothing sizes and now officially wears a size smaller than me in them! Her feet have grown too, she wears a woman's size 6 in shoes (I just wear an 8!). Other things have happened too and I wasn't all that prepared for it to happen so fast.
I had to buy her a bra this last year, which was completely foreign to me! I got one before the sixth grade at 11 and I probably didn't need one then! I had to have her start wearing deodorant too. I noticed earlier this summer that she was starting to break out across her forehead. I encouraged her to keep her face cleaner and bought her some acne wash and it cleared up for a bit before coming back with a vengeance! My man and I decided that we should sit down with her and have "the talk" about growing up and what happens to our bodies as we go through puberty. We just casually brought it up one evening as were enjoying our porch swing and she nestled herself between us as she usually does. She listened wide eyed and said "eww" a few times, but shrugged her shoulders and left when were finished. As she went inside, my man reached over and gave me a high-five for getting us through it. I shook my head and bought her some feminine protection and gave her a quick tutorial on how to use it.
I watch her as she dresses her dolls, I watch her as she babysits her brother, I watch her as she has grown past my shoulder. Soon it will be all about boys and make-up and dates to the prom...but not yet. I'll remember this while I tuck her in tonight and read to her a chapter from her book...that she IS growing up, even if I'm not quite ready!
Monday, August 16, 2010
tHiS iS wHaT i LiKe
That's right! It's IKEA!
I mean, how could you not...right? For those of you unfamiliar with the home decor at insanely low prices, let me give you a quick lowdown:
You walk in the front doors and are directed up the stairs to the showrooms, where they give you great ideas on how to use their stuff. You grab a pencil and a piece of paper and right down the location of what you want for later when you go down stairs to retrieve it.
My kids love IKEA! It's full of bright and vibrant colors and there are little art/game stations throughout the store where the kids can amuse themselves while you shop and when you get to the Children's decor...watch out! They have chairs and swings and beds and toys and my daughter especially, begs to go to this section...only the entire time we are in the store! Ha! Things are inexpensive and if you don't mind going home and putting your furniture together, totally worth it as well. This actually is what makes it cool, since you assemble it, you can totally customize it to you! They give you so many different options...
I picked up these most adorable coat hooks when we were there last (a couple of weeks ago). I set up a little station out in the hall for the kids when they come home, so they can hang up their jackets and tack up notes for Mom and whatnot. You see, I'm trying harder on being organized! =0) With adorable cute thing like these, it'll be easy!
So if you haven't been to an IKEA before what are you waiting for? I'll bet you'll like it! I know I do! =0)
Friday, August 13, 2010
ThOuGhT fOr ThE dAy
Keep it simple.
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Medieval Latin simplus, alteration of Latin simplic-, simplex single, having one ingredient, plain
Date: 13th century
1 : free from guile : innocent
2 a : free from vanity : modest b : free from ostentation or display
3 : of humble origin or modest position
Here's an example from my friend Merriam/Webster...simple, free from guile, innocent, modest, humble origin. When you read these definitions what do you think?
Free from guile: No bad thoughts or feelings towards others.
Innocent: Like a little child, knowing not of the trials of the world.
Modest: Limited, functional, without fuss.
Humble origin: From simple starts in life.
All of these things were once very valid and not unusual in life, today not so much. We have electronic everything from the time we are very young and I fear fail to appreciate the importance of a little simplicity in our lives. I mean think about it, how often do you take the time to sit enjoy the simple act of reading a book, or enjoy a walk in nature, or listen to the laughter of your children in the next room? I vow to never undervalue the power of the simple. I love to expose my children to an evening walk, a read aloud story, playing of card and board games, the sound of silence. I want to teach them to be free from guile, and keep them innocent as long as possible. I want them to be modest and teach them about those who came from humble origins and how they succeeded. I think this may very well be the key to survival in this day and age, remembering the simple things in life...just a thought. =0)
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
The most wonderful day of the year!
(first day of school that is!)
my 6th grader all grown up, sort of! ;0)
My uniform-clad duo ready to go!
Oddly my kids don't appreciate it when I sing this at the top of my lungs while they are getting ready to go, as is tradition! I mean what greater day is there than the day the kids go back to school? You get to clean and it stays clean, you get to hear yourself think and have so many less fights to break up, ha! My daughter was being extremely crabby this morning and I actually told her, "I am not going to miss you today!" she scowled as she continued to tug her shoe on. Other than the wearing of uniforms for my younger kids, nothing has changed. They go to the same school, eat in the same cafeteria, have the same classmates as last year, we love their school and they weren't worried at all! Now my 6th grader is another story!
This is my son with the Asperger's Syndrome, we had him diagnosed just before the age of 10. He had some problems socially and with his coordination up to this point, but he is extremely intelligent and that somehow made up for it. In the 4th grade he had some serious problems with his teacher and we spent many an hour with his teacher and his school counselor trying to figure out what was really going on with him. My Mom had read up a little bit on Asperger's and suggested that some of his symptoms coincided with the the syndrome. He didn't relate well with kids his own age, he had poor coordination and his hand writing is still almost illegible. His interests were very limited and his focus isn't the best either. The school had him tested for A.D.H.D., certain that this was all there was to it. We weren't convinced. We took him to the pediatrician and voiced our concerns and she tested him herself. We followed up with her and yes, he has Asperger's Syndrome and moderate A.D.H.D. Somehow knowing exactly what we were dealing with was what it took for him to turn around in attitude and drive! He is such a happy boy now and excited to learn, when he was once depressed and anxious. Last year the school teamed him up with a great and patient teacher who appreciated his creativity and imagination and knew just how smart he really is.
My man and I wanted to make sure that this year in a new school and going to 6 different classes with 6 different teachers wasn't going to be a total shock for him. I explained how it was going to work and what was expected of him. We toured the school a few times and attended his open house. We met all of his teachers and gave them a heads up and what to expect and had a great sit down talk with the 6th grade counselor, who was prepared for him and assured us not to worry. I mapped out all of his classes for him (and he memorized his schedule) and quizzed him on how he to get to each one and where to meet Mom after school. My man walked him to school this morning and plans to continue to do so in order to help him be more independent.
He did really well! Although he refused to tell me if he got lost at all, but he wasn't the least bit traumatized by it if he did! He was all smiles this afternoon and talked excitedly about playing the violin and his enriched math class! I am so relieved that he seems to have fared better than me, I couldn't sleep last night because I was so worried...turns out, I didn't need to be! =0)
my 6th grader all grown up, sort of! ;0)
My uniform-clad duo ready to go!
Oddly my kids don't appreciate it when I sing this at the top of my lungs while they are getting ready to go, as is tradition! I mean what greater day is there than the day the kids go back to school? You get to clean and it stays clean, you get to hear yourself think and have so many less fights to break up, ha! My daughter was being extremely crabby this morning and I actually told her, "I am not going to miss you today!" she scowled as she continued to tug her shoe on. Other than the wearing of uniforms for my younger kids, nothing has changed. They go to the same school, eat in the same cafeteria, have the same classmates as last year, we love their school and they weren't worried at all! Now my 6th grader is another story!
This is my son with the Asperger's Syndrome, we had him diagnosed just before the age of 10. He had some problems socially and with his coordination up to this point, but he is extremely intelligent and that somehow made up for it. In the 4th grade he had some serious problems with his teacher and we spent many an hour with his teacher and his school counselor trying to figure out what was really going on with him. My Mom had read up a little bit on Asperger's and suggested that some of his symptoms coincided with the the syndrome. He didn't relate well with kids his own age, he had poor coordination and his hand writing is still almost illegible. His interests were very limited and his focus isn't the best either. The school had him tested for A.D.H.D., certain that this was all there was to it. We weren't convinced. We took him to the pediatrician and voiced our concerns and she tested him herself. We followed up with her and yes, he has Asperger's Syndrome and moderate A.D.H.D. Somehow knowing exactly what we were dealing with was what it took for him to turn around in attitude and drive! He is such a happy boy now and excited to learn, when he was once depressed and anxious. Last year the school teamed him up with a great and patient teacher who appreciated his creativity and imagination and knew just how smart he really is.
My man and I wanted to make sure that this year in a new school and going to 6 different classes with 6 different teachers wasn't going to be a total shock for him. I explained how it was going to work and what was expected of him. We toured the school a few times and attended his open house. We met all of his teachers and gave them a heads up and what to expect and had a great sit down talk with the 6th grade counselor, who was prepared for him and assured us not to worry. I mapped out all of his classes for him (and he memorized his schedule) and quizzed him on how he to get to each one and where to meet Mom after school. My man walked him to school this morning and plans to continue to do so in order to help him be more independent.
He did really well! Although he refused to tell me if he got lost at all, but he wasn't the least bit traumatized by it if he did! He was all smiles this afternoon and talked excitedly about playing the violin and his enriched math class! I am so relieved that he seems to have fared better than me, I couldn't sleep last night because I was so worried...turns out, I didn't need to be! =0)
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
TiP fOr TuEsDay
All hail the organized among us!
I believe the thought is true, that if you are organized you are far more efficient. I am not really an organized person, I have a disorganized thought process...and the need for serious organization escapes me. That being said, even I can appreciate it when things that were once chaotic are filed and sorted according to like items. Take my Man's pantry here...I wish I had thought to take a before picture because believe me it was really bad! I rarely set out to go and "organize something", no it usually comes more from frustration of not being able to access something or even put something away. My Man purchased a large flat of V8 and left it on the counter, I decided to clean the kitchen the next day and remove it from the counter. I opened his pantry to set it inside and realized that there was no way it was going to go in there without moving something. Well, that led to clearing the bottom of the pantry out and working on putting all the cans on the same shelves and once I got that done well...I just kept going and organized it all! Look at how nice it looks though, all the cans of soup are in the same place and all the chips too. You can easily access any baking goods you need and no longer have to try not to be attacked by falling bags of rice. I realized how nice it really was as I made him some breakfast this morning, I just opened it up grabbed what I needed and replaced it with ease! Never mind it took me a full three hours to do, but it was totally worth it! =0)
Anyone who has the "organizing gene" I commend you, I imagine you are rarely deterred in starting a project because you can't find all of your supplies! Parts of my life are far more organized than others and the parts that are sure make life easier! =0) Here's your tip for Tuesday, give it a try! =0)
Monday, August 9, 2010
tHiS iS wHaT i LiKe
JanSport backpacks!
Just in time for a little back to school action, here's my 11 year old son sporting his rough and tough backpack of choice. If you never want to buy your tween a backpack again for the remainder of his school years, this would be the one to get! Durable, comfortable, tough and long lasting I love them! =0) Psst...I bought this one at Ross for 15 bucks! ;0)
Honestly, I didn't buy this one specifically for my son, no I actually bought it for my little brother a number of years ago. I found it abandoned it his room at our parent's house and rescued it, thinking I would definitely find a use for it. My son enters the 6th grade and intermediate school this year and of course has plenty of things to cart back and forth at school and to and from home and I was actually going to buy him a new backpack, until I remembered this one that is!
I can personally attest to the quality of these great backpacks, you see I got a JanSport backpack at age 14 and I still use it today! It served me well through 8-12th grades and I took it to college as well. When I was having babies they didn't have anything good looking in the way of diaper bags and my JanSport backpack served as a great diaper bag for several years as well! Whether trucking through amusement parks or day hikes or trips to the neighborhood park, my JanSport backpack has served me well for 18 years, all without holes or ripped straps and is sitting in the drawer waiting for me to take it on our next adventure!
As sad as it is for me to send my baby off to the land of lockers and violins and multiple classes and hormones...eeek! I'll at least know that he isn't going to destroy his backpack and that it will serve him well for many years! =0) This is what I like, try it! you might like it too! =0)
Sunday, August 8, 2010
ThOuGhT fOr ThE dAy
Regret by definition is:
"sorrow aroused by circumstances beyond one's control or power to repair", according to Merriam-Webster's. This very subject is one I personally deal with frequently. The wish and wanting to go back/to do over something that you have done and fouled up beyond repair. I often regret choices I made as I was younger that have led me to the point I am now. Well, I do and I don't. So many of my different choices I made and the paths I've followed have led to a significant amount if hardship and sometimes it's harder to bear than others, this is when I regret. It would be so easy to dwell on past mistakes and stunt my further growth, this is why I make a conscientious choice not to.
If you regret an action toward another, try this:
Write down your feelings about the entire situation, of how you know that you wronged this person in some way and apologize. If you still have contact with this person consider giving it to them with a brief explanation of what you feel and close "the book" of regret. If you don't have contact with this person create a safe place or folder or box and store it. File it away and forget it. Let it go.
To err is human and give yourself some leeway, nobody is perfect and no one should be expected to be. If you did your very best at the time and are trying to improve yourself still, then let it go. If I catch myself doing this, I give myself permission to be imperfect and try to improve my actions for the future.
The past is exactly that...past. It will stay there and will only haunt you if you let it. When it threatens me I think of all the things I have, the things I am truly blessed with. My family. Supportive, loving, always there for me when I need them, my family rocks and I am who I am from following their leads. My children. They are good and kind and smart and I love them so much. It has been an honor to be their Mother and even with all he trials and up and downs, I cannot regret any decision that has given them to me. My life. You only get one shot to make it the best possible experience, so do just that! Be generous, be kind, treat others with respect and keep those who drag you down out of it.
I regret sometimes, I imagine most people do occasionally. Decisions I've made that continue to haunt me still, but only if I let them. Without any of the decisions I've made, I wouldn't be here at the point I am. The point of life where you have lived enough of it to have a past, but have the opportunity to make the future bright in return. The past is where it belongs, behind you...look toward the future and forge ahead knowing you've learned and survived despite it all, just a thought. ;0)
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
TiP fOr TuEsDay
Take the time to read. I have a confession to make, I made the mistake of starting a new book today, one I really wanted to read. Reading is never a bad thing, well except when I need to accomplish about 100 other things as well. You see, when I read (especially when I really wanted to read it!) I lose my life. I am no longer your "Not So Average Mom", no I am whatever character dominates my latest book. It's really problematic for me at times and right now I am having a hard time concentrating on this because I really would rather get back to my book! My dream would be to get paid to do something that involved a lot of reading, I really do love it that much! Not only fiction, I love to read for knowledge as well. Information, cookbooks, instruction manuals...really there isn't anything I won't read.
Perhaps the problem with the reading obsession goes a little deeper to the core of my feeling about myself. If you know me personally, you know that I really don't talk about myself that often and prefer to listen to whatever you have to say instead. Why, you ask? My life is boring. I mean how many times can you get up, clean, make meals, drag grouchy kids around before you suddenly run out of things to say? Exactly. I just finished "Under the Tuscan Sun", by Frances Mayes and was enthralled by her descriptions of Tuscany and imagined myself there. I have quite the collection of Nicholas Sparks books on my bedside table and I love to read about his characters and how their lives intertwine around others as life tends to do. Reading provides an escape from the mundane and oh, so unromantic ways of my life. I've read countless classics and novels and works of fiction, non-fiction and the like. If I don't know how to do something or don't understand, I read...don't you?
Take the time to read, it will improve your recollection and help you escape. Don't become a drone to the lull of the tube every evening, read something instead. Instill a life-long passion for reading, by reading to them when they are young. Encourage "media-free" days occasionally and spend the day reading instead, you'll be surprised at the results! This is my Tip for Tuesday, did you read something today? Try it! It works for me! =0)
Monday, August 2, 2010
Home Sweet Home
I love my home. Not just a place for my belongings or place to come to at the end of the day, it is my sanctuary. There is nothing like the peaceful feeling that you get when you come home from a long day or a trip out of town and know that you can sleep in your own bed that night, that the floors are going to creak in the same places, that your things will not pick themselves up. It is a refuge from all the uncertainty in life that throws itself into your path, it is a refuge from the harsh elements that singe the skin and blow about. It is a beacon of light keeping my children safe during the black of night. With its quiet corners for reading and its large windows filling the rooms with life giving light, I cannot think of living elsewhere.
I didn't have my own home for many years and have moved 20 times in the last 14 years and I didn't know quite how much I was missing not having a home. Rental apartments and condos and Mom's house again a time or two, just were never the same. I, as do my children, crave the stability that living here in our home has given us and I just couldn't imagine it any other way. Thank you to my man, thank you so much for giving us a chance to have a home. Thank you for letting us be your family to fill our home.
If you ever have the opportunity to own a home, do it. The benefits far outweigh the challenges and you will not regret it. My sanctuary, my Home Sweet Home. =0)
Sunday, August 1, 2010
At it again!
I know I've been absent from my blogging for the last few days, I've had several things to jam into a span of a couple of weeks. The kids go back to school on the 11th and the summer has been quite short for us, just a case of lots to do and not quite enough time! I finished a new project though last week and have waited to post it on the blog, seeing as though it was for part of a wedding present! I love the mix of patterns and colors and think this apron turned out great! Sharp contrasts in color create a timeless and classic look and added touches such as ribbon and stars create a touch of whimsy. I hope my cousin enjoys it, even though she doesn't cook according to her Mom! =0)
Hopefully I'll be back to blogging a little more regularly after I get the kids back in school and I'll be sure to post whatever projects I get completed in the interim! Here's to winding down of the summer! =0)
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