Sunday, August 8, 2010

ThOuGhT fOr ThE dAy

Regret by definition is:
"sorrow aroused by circumstances beyond one's control or power to repair", according to Merriam-Webster's. This very subject is one I personally deal with frequently. The wish and wanting to go back/to do over something that you have done and fouled up beyond repair. I often regret choices I made as I was younger that have led me to the point I am now. Well, I do and I don't. So many of my different choices I made and the paths I've followed have led to a significant amount if hardship and sometimes it's harder to bear than others, this is when I regret. It would be so easy to dwell on past mistakes and stunt my further growth, this is why I make a conscientious choice not to.
If you regret an action toward another, try this:
Write down your feelings about the entire situation, of how you know that you wronged this person in some way and apologize. If you still have contact with this person consider giving it to them with a brief explanation of what you feel and close "the book" of regret. If you don't have contact with this person create a safe place or folder or box and store it. File it away and forget it. Let it go.
To err is human and give yourself some leeway, nobody is perfect and no one should be expected to be. If you did your very best at the time and are trying to improve yourself still, then let it go. If I catch myself doing this, I give myself permission to be imperfect and try to improve my actions for the future.
The past is exactly that...past. It will stay there and will only haunt you if you let it. When it threatens me I think of all the things I have, the things I am truly blessed with. My family. Supportive, loving, always there for me when I need them, my family rocks and I am who I am from following their leads. My children. They are good and kind and smart and I love them so much. It has been an honor to be their Mother and even with all he trials and up and downs, I cannot regret any decision that has given them to me. My life. You only get one shot to make it the best possible experience, so do just that! Be generous, be kind, treat others with respect and keep those who drag you down out of it.
I regret sometimes, I imagine most people do occasionally. Decisions I've made that continue to haunt me still, but only if I let them. Without any of the decisions I've made, I wouldn't be here at the point I am. The point of life where you have lived enough of it to have a past, but have the opportunity to make the future bright in return. The past is where it belongs, behind you...look toward the future and forge ahead knowing you've learned and survived despite it all, just a thought. ;0)

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