Tuesday, August 3, 2010

TiP fOr TuEsDay

Take the time to read. I have a confession to make, I made the mistake of starting a new book today, one I really wanted to read. Reading is never a bad thing, well except when I need to accomplish about 100 other things as well. You see, when I read (especially when I really wanted to read it!) I lose my life. I am no longer your "Not So Average Mom", no I am whatever character dominates my latest book. It's really problematic for me at times and right now I am having a hard time concentrating on this because I really would rather get back to my book! My dream would be to get paid to do something that involved a lot of reading, I really do love it that much! Not only fiction, I love to read for knowledge as well. Information, cookbooks, instruction manuals...really there isn't anything I won't read.
Perhaps the problem with the reading obsession goes a little deeper to the core of my feeling about myself. If you know me personally, you know that I really don't talk about myself that often and prefer to listen to whatever you have to say instead. Why, you ask? My life is boring. I mean how many times can you get up, clean, make meals, drag grouchy kids around before you suddenly run out of things to say? Exactly. I just finished "Under the Tuscan Sun", by Frances Mayes and was enthralled by her descriptions of Tuscany and imagined myself there. I have quite the collection of Nicholas Sparks books on my bedside table and I love to read about his characters and how their lives intertwine around others as life tends to do. Reading provides an escape from the mundane and oh, so unromantic ways of my life. I've read countless classics and novels and works of fiction, non-fiction and the like. If I don't know how to do something or don't understand, I read...don't you?
Take the time to read, it will improve your recollection and help you escape. Don't become a drone to the lull of the tube every evening, read something instead. Instill a life-long passion for reading, by reading to them when they are young. Encourage "media-free" days occasionally and spend the day reading instead, you'll be surprised at the results! This is my Tip for Tuesday, did you read something today? Try it! It works for me! =0)

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