Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The most wonderful day of the year!

(first day of school that is!)

my 6th grader all grown up, sort of! ;0)

My uniform-clad duo ready to go!

Oddly my kids don't appreciate it when I sing this at the top of my lungs while they are getting ready to go, as is tradition! I mean what greater day is there than the day the kids go back to school? You get to clean and it stays clean, you get to hear yourself think and have so many less fights to break up, ha! My daughter was being extremely crabby this morning and I actually told her, "I am not going to miss you today!" she scowled as she continued to tug her shoe on. Other than the wearing of uniforms for my younger kids, nothing has changed. They go to the same school, eat in the same cafeteria, have the same classmates as last year, we love their school and they weren't worried at all! Now my 6th grader is another story!
This is my son with the Asperger's Syndrome, we had him diagnosed just before the age of 10. He had some problems socially and with his coordination up to this point, but he is extremely intelligent and that somehow made up for it. In the 4th grade he had some serious problems with his teacher and we spent many an hour with his teacher and his school counselor trying to figure out what was really going on with him. My Mom had read up a little bit on Asperger's and suggested that some of his symptoms coincided with the the syndrome. He didn't relate well with kids his own age, he had poor coordination and his hand writing is still almost illegible. His interests were very limited and his focus isn't the best either. The school had him tested for A.D.H.D., certain that this was all there was to it. We weren't convinced. We took him to the pediatrician and voiced our concerns and she tested him herself. We followed up with her and yes, he has Asperger's Syndrome and moderate A.D.H.D. Somehow knowing exactly what we were dealing with was what it took for him to turn around in attitude and drive! He is such a happy boy now and excited to learn, when he was once depressed and anxious. Last year the school teamed him up with a great and patient teacher who appreciated his creativity and imagination and knew just how smart he really is.
My man and I wanted to make sure that this year in a new school and going to 6 different classes with 6 different teachers wasn't going to be a total shock for him. I explained how it was going to work and what was expected of him. We toured the school a few times and attended his open house. We met all of his teachers and gave them a heads up and what to expect and had a great sit down talk with the 6th grade counselor, who was prepared for him and assured us not to worry. I mapped out all of his classes for him (and he memorized his schedule) and quizzed him on how he to get to each one and where to meet Mom after school. My man walked him to school this morning and plans to continue to do so in order to help him be more independent.
He did really well! Although he refused to tell me if he got lost at all, but he wasn't the least bit traumatized by it if he did! He was all smiles this afternoon and talked excitedly about playing the violin and his enriched math class! I am so relieved that he seems to have fared better than me, I couldn't sleep last night because I was so worried...turns out, I didn't need to be! =0)

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