Tuesday, August 31, 2010

TiP fOr TuEsDaY

Be prepared!

I am the mother of three kids. They are happy, healthy, and fairly well adjusted. They have all gotten bigger now, well big enough I don't have to follow them around constantly anymore to keep them out of harms way now. I remember when they were little though, it wasn't always that easy to keep them safe, we had our mishaps, bumped heads, falls down Grandma's stairs, sickness, near-chokings. I couldn't always keep them safe, but I was prepared when things did happen. You don't always know what to expect when you become a parent, but being prepared for "just in case" was always helpful. How does one become "prepared"? Let me give you a few tips on what has helped me!
Take a first-aid class.
I have taken several over the years and have retained the knowledge to today and I believe it is essential to have some knowledge as a parent. I know how to treat a fever and perform the infant Heimlich maneuver. I can stabilize a broken bone and apply a tourniquet. I know how to slow/stop bleeding and administer mouth to mouth resuscitation. I know not to panic when the kids get hurt and when to seek medical assistance when necessary. I can't tell you how many times I've found these things useful in my life and in fact I got to demonstrate the infant Heimlich for a friend yesterday. The baby was fine, I just realized her Mom didn't know what to do for a choking baby....wow!

Invest in a child-rearing publication.
I believe on of the very best things my Mom ever did for me, was get me a subscription to Parents magazine. You'd be amazed at how many things you can learn from the experts they have that write articles. Anything from developmental expectations to toy recommendations and product reviews. I used to read it from cover to cover. Also, get yourself a great book such as Dr. Spock's Baby and Child Care. I used this to tell what my baby should be eating at 6 months and beyond and developmental milestones to be on the look out for and any questions I had, could easily be referenced in his book.

Use your friends/relatives that have/had kids.
I'm sure you can't tell by this blog, but I try to not be pushy with other parents on sharing tips and pointers. If I know you well enough though, you'd better believe I'll let you know what works best for me! If you are having a hard time with a child and are fed up or are unsure what to try next, hit up a friend who had done that same thing. I don't know what I would have done if I couldn't call my Mom and ask for her advice when my kids were little and even now! She always remembered what it was like and what she would have done and somehow it always made it better.

Being a parent isn't always easy and try as we might, we can't always keep them safe. Being prepared for the "just in case" in their little lives is essential to knowing what to do and when and how to deal when it does. That's your TiP fOr TuEsDaY! ;0)

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