Tuesday, August 10, 2010

TiP fOr TuEsDay

All hail the organized among us!

I believe the thought is true, that if you are organized you are far more efficient. I am not really an organized person, I have a disorganized thought process...and the need for serious organization escapes me. That being said, even I can appreciate it when things that were once chaotic are filed and sorted according to like items. Take my Man's pantry here...I wish I had thought to take a before picture because believe me it was really bad! I rarely set out to go and "organize something", no it usually comes more from frustration of not being able to access something or even put something away. My Man purchased a large flat of V8 and left it on the counter, I decided to clean the kitchen the next day and remove it from the counter. I opened his pantry to set it inside and realized that there was no way it was going to go in there without moving something. Well, that led to clearing the bottom of the pantry out and working on putting all the cans on the same shelves and once I got that done well...I just kept going and organized it all! Look at how nice it looks though, all the cans of soup are in the same place and all the chips too. You can easily access any baking goods you need and no longer have to try not to be attacked by falling bags of rice. I realized how nice it really was as I made him some breakfast this morning, I just opened it up grabbed what I needed and replaced it with ease! Never mind it took me a full three hours to do, but it was totally worth it! =0)
Anyone who has the "organizing gene" I commend you, I imagine you are rarely deterred in starting a project because you can't find all of your supplies! Parts of my life are far more organized than others and the parts that are sure make life easier! =0) Here's your tip for Tuesday, give it a try! =0)


Cara said...

I love a good organization project!

jgirl said...

Hee, hee I know it! LOL! ;0)