Thursday, November 4, 2010

Excuses, excuses...

Fall full moon...

I had a boss once who would tell us when we fed him excuses for screwing up, "Excuses are like butt-holes, everybody has one." Perhaps I could have put up more appropriate imagery to make my point, I'm letting you use use your imagination instead...your welcome.;0) Anyway, to my point------>
I missed my blog post yesterday, I don't know how it happened...well, yeah I really do, but now I need a better excuse than "I forgot"? 
How about...I was in an auto accident, and spent the evening in the hospital in traction and couldn't quite reach my keyboard to apologize in advance...
Nope, not believable.
Perhaps I could guilt everyone into feeling bad for not reading this silly blog anyway, sheesh! Even my sister had been busy this week and hasn't been making her obligatory comments to boost my ego...
Scratch that. Seriously, I'm good at writing irregardless if anyone is actually reading...that wouldn't be viable either.
I've decided that I really am inherently truthful, making up excuses and fibs and half-truths takes more effort than I'm willing to put forth. So here goes...
The truth? I finished up a mountain of laundry that I had been working on since Sunday while I divided my regular computer time between farming, researching a subject, applying for another job, reading about 5 other blogs, and completing a preliminary phone interview with a company I applied too. I then made a batch of gluten-free pancakes (psst...if you haven't tried gluten-free Bisquick, then you're missing out!) and cleaned a disgusting bathroom. I called my sister, tried to think of a good blog-subject, took a shower, fixed a snack for one kid, had a long conversation with a friend, who really needed a listening ear, and picked up two more kids. I then had another conversation with another friend who the first friend needed to talk to, got another kid going on his homework and convinced my daughter to go to Wal-Mart with me. I drove the 20 minutes to Wal-Mart, told my daughter "no" at least 20 times before we even got to the grocery section and finally left over an hour later. On the way home my daughter called their snowbird Grandma who just got back in to  town with no answer as we drove past the restaurant that their car was in front of. We stopped and my daughter ran into the squealing arms of her Grandparents and we stood and talked to them for at least 20 minutes before I convinced them to come over to our house and left to go home, make dinner, and put away groceries. 20 minutes later I arrived home, hauled in all the groceries, and started dinner while putting away groceries. I made sure someone finished their homework and was schooled on Pokemon as their Grandparents arrived. My man and I ate dinner while the kids ran around with Grandma and convinced the kids to eat too, while Grandma sat and talked with them. My son practiced his violin for his Grandparents, they all ate the cookies and candy Grandma brought and my daughter dressed and brushed two dollies' hair from Grandma. I shooed everyone of to the shower and eventually Grandma and Grandpa went home and after getting out school bags and clothes for the morning, we ushered all resident short people to bed. And then.....? Yep, you're right! I forgot! Please forgive me! ;0)

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