Tuesday, November 16, 2010

TiP fOr TuEsDaY (post 143)

Enact a reward system.

Chances are as a parent you already use this for your kids, rewarding them for good behavior I mean! Have you ever thought of using it as a motivational tool for yourself? I don't mean stickers on a chore chart, but in getting things or doing activities just for you. Think of it this way, you don't just go out and buy the kids a toy if they didn't do their chores and have been bickering all day, right? I know I sure don't! I make the kids earn them, that way they understand the value of things and I get a cleaner/calmer home in the process. Why not do the same for yourself? I really want to read this book, but I have laundry to fold first...so, fold the laundry and then you can read that book!
This is what I do:
Actually right now I am behind on my laundry, but I have several sewing projects I want to tackle. I won't let myself start sewing until the laundry is caught up on. I get to do the fun stuff but, only after I get the chores done. It works well when you get paid as well. You worked really hard to pay your bills, why not get yourself a small something. I don't mean go out and break the bank or anything, but something small. I love socks and they're inexpensive, or I'll get myself some pretty nail polish or something similar. Just like the kids get a Frosty on Fridays for good behavior, do the same for yourself!;0)
We all know that being a parent is largely thankless job! You clean, you shuttle, you feed, you love and aside from the occasional sticky kiss do you get a reward? Uh, no. No matter though, if you can get through all the stuff you HAVE to do then why don't you reward yourself with something you WANT to do? Exactly! Way to go, Mom you got the laundry done...here is a chance to do something fun! You deserve it! ;0) And that's your TiP fOr  TuEsDay! ;0)

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