Tuesday, November 2, 2010

TiP fOr TuEsDaY (post 132)

Don't be a sheep.

Yes, you are reading the pic right. I didn't vote, I don't vote, I am purposely not registered to vote. I said it, I am not ashamed about it either. I am an intelligent person, perhaps that is what makes the whole "voting" process so unappealing. Watching political ads with nothing but made up facts and twisted to fit propaganda, could very well be the main reason I rarely watch TV as well. I can't make myself go out and help elect these sleazy politicians (yes, they are ALL sleazy) that are only interested in having their pockets lined by special interests and have no real intention for the good of the people, only in the narrow-minded interests of he who yells loudest. You have no choice, but to elect the lesser of two evils at any time thank you to the two party system this country embraces.
Don't get me wrong, I am patriotic. I love the fact that I can call myself an American, that I have the freedom to choose to do or not to do as I please without the fear of retribution...for the most part that is. this poor woman was not given a choice as she was attacked while attending a Rand Paul rally, here. Behavior such as this boils my blood, how anyone could be motivated to violence over a party difference is beyond me.
You want to make a difference in the world? Insist upon change in the system entirely or watch as we all go to hell in a hand-basket. You decide, but as for me, I'll not be a sheep. Feel free to comment away if you disagree!


Maharry Balls said...

And what if I agree?? ;) You know, that's why I'm wearing my "I didn't vote" sticker today...because I have the choice to vote or not to which is something I love about America. The political spectrum, not so much.

jgirl said...

Did I mention I love Amy? LOL! I love it! ;0)