Friday, November 19, 2010

ThOuGhT fOr ThE dAy (post 146)

Making sense of our past....J.Lamb 2010

Bringing peace for today......J.Lamb 2010
and creating vision for tomorrow......J.Lamb 2010
“Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.”

What a thought provoking quote this is and the more I think about it the more I can relate to it. Let me try to break it down into what it means to me personally and she if it does the same for you.  Are you truly grateful for all things in your life? Just a thought...;0)"Gratitude makes sense of our past..." I'm thankful for ALL events that have occurred in my past, the good and the bad. The good are the things I can reflect and share with my posterity, the laughter, the tradition, the warm fuzzies I felt. The bad are all the things that happened through the fault of no one or of my own making. I can reflect on them now and learn from my mistakes and hopefully emerge stronger and a better person overall."(Gratitude) brings peace for today..." In all life's harried moments where we feel overwhelmed and  little bit down, I've found that it always helps to be grateful for what I have today. I'm thankful for my family, I'm thankful a warm/safe roof over head, I'm thankful for food to eat and great friends to share it with, I'm thankful for the opportunity to be alive and the ability to enjoy this beautiful world in which we live."and (Gratitude) creates a vision for tomorrow." Being grateful for things we take advantage of like freedom, creates all the opportunities we have to learn, create, live, and grow. I can do anything through hard work and love of my fellow man for that is the freedom I, as an American posses.



Betsy said...

Girl--you are very wise-for such a young one! Love ys

jgirl said...

thanks Betsy, life will do that to ya!